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Hanuman! These guys can go fast. Like, really fast. The Syndrome takes its name
from the monkey hero of the Hindu epic Ramayana. This predates Sun Wukong, by the
way. This one has some very interesting powers.

The Hanuman has the powers you'd expect from a "speedster" Syndrome. Ease of
movement, dashing attacks, and fast attacks are a given, as well as avoiding
attacks by moving out of the way and leaving a lasting after-image.

But Hanuman is more interesting, because these Overeds are also adept at
manipulating vibrations. This means they can shoot shockwaves, balls of vibrating
air that ignores armour, and slice the air in half for a ranged slash attack. They
can also make their weapons and bullets vibrate so fast they pierce armour and deal
more damage.

Having control over the way air vibrates means having control of sound. Hanuman are
the best Overeds at hearing, and they can pull the old "scream so hard the glass
(and the other guy's cranium) shatters" trick. More interestingly, however, Hanuman
can modulate their voice to cause specific effects. They can encourage their allies
with a voice so pitch-perfect the allies get objectively encouraged. They can scold
their enemies so hard their brains vibrate and their actual nervous functions go
haywire. Among other neat tricks with voice. Yes, DX's bard-type character is the
Flash. I like to think these powers make the Overed sound like acapella metal ,
complete with backing vocals, of course.

Pure-Breed powers are taking your action while everyone is still rolling
initiative, literally, and being so fast the other guy can't even attempt to dodge
your attacks. Other remarkable Hanuman powers are using sonar to enhance
perception, and Battle Beat: you create a persistent rhythm and you fight better if
you follow the rhythm. Ladies and gentlemen, a power that turns battles into dance-
offs !

Simple Powers. You can project your voice and be the best ventriloquist in the
neighbourhood, and you can project your hearing if you're really into hearing pins
fall from far away. Disguising your voice to sound like someone else's is a given.
There's also a power that creates an area of silence around you so you can have
your private conversations in public, and one that grows a bubble of oxygen-rich
air around. Inside, people are healthier and concentrate better, or you can do it
underwater to breathe. Qinggong is a cool power that lets you run so fast you can
run up walls and over water.

And then we have Air Instrument, competing solidly for best power in the game.
Direct quote time:
Playback any speech or song by utilising the atmosphere as various instruments and
speakers. As long as the User clearly remembers a song or conversation, he can
perfectly recreate it.
Double Cross: the game that lets you play a superhero whose superpower is air

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