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Week 1 1.

Word: The Definition and

( 1.5 hours) At the end of the week, the Criteria Read and Study the Course Guide uploaded in iKonek, printed or saved
preservice teacher (PST) in the OTG or USB flash drive
should be able to: a. a. How are new words formed? Access the Interactive Links provided in the Study Guide or saved in the
discuss how words are b. How are words formed? OTG or USB flash drive (Collaborative Room Design)
formed; its mechanism c. How many new words are
and process, and created every day? Participate in the Lecture-Discussion via Google Meet and/or in the
iKonek Discussion Forum
reflect on how word d. What are some mechanisms
meaning changes when in forming new words?
used in varied contexts. e. Which word formation Article reading on :
process is the source of the
English word modem? - How New Words Are Born by Andy Boodle
( mind-your-

- Morphological Awareness and Some Implications for English

Language Word Definition and Criteria will follow.
Weeks 2-3 At the end of these weeks, 2. Grammatical Categories Read and Study the Course Guide uploaded in iKonek, printed or saved
( 6 hours) the preservice teacher in the OTG or USB flash drive
(PST) should be able to: a. A. Nouns Access the Interactive Links provided in the Study Guide or saved in the
describe and analyze OTG or USB flash drive (Collaborative Room Design)
meaning, and use of - Classes
various noun and pronoun - Inflection and Declension Participate in the Lecture-Discussion on Nouns and Pronouns via Google
Meet and/or in the iKonek Discussion Forum
structure. - Properties
Active learning and facilitated discussion ( e.g. identification of nouns
B. Pronouns: through writing short summaries, deconstructing reading texts, group/
individual presentation)
- Classes

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