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Reflection Report

Student Name: Lorena Gutoi

Student Number: 1157984
Course Name:
Negotiation Principles
Name of the professor:
Krista Hay-Perdikakis

Lorena Gutoi
Description about my team

My team was formed of me, Lorena Gutoi, and my colleague, Kaya Marianska, and we already knew
each other from the Netherlands as we were together in the same class. I can say that knowing each
other before the negotiation was an advantage for our team because we knew how we behave and
how we think. About myself, I can say that I had some negotiation experience from my company, but
I did not know the theoretical part and the proper steps of how you should plan a negotiation.

Reflection on what went well, what did not, positive critical behavior, negative behavior, what
would you do different.

Reflection about me

Regarding myself, I am proud that our team and the other one were able to come to an agreement
that was beneficial for both parties as we got the amount that we wanted and they got the land. I
decided to dress professionally because this is the first impression of the other team about you, and
it is very important. I did not express too much within my body language and I talked very
professionally. Next time, I would do more research about the topic and I would analyze all scenarios
that could happen in order to be prepared for anything.

Reflection about my partner

About my partner, I can say that she was very prepared and behaved in a professional way. She was
not shy to present her arguments and to negotiate when something did not seem good enough for
our cause. Next time, I believe that she can be a little more confident in her strengths as she is a
good negotiator.

Reflection about the other team

I respected the other team because they were dressed professionally, they had their arguments
prepared and it was visible that they did research and spent time arranging the negotiation. They did
not step back from asking for a better deal and they came up with strong and concise arguments
which helped them to spend less money on the negotiation.

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