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LIFE IN 2050

It’s a fact that the world in 2050 (30 years later) will be the complete opposite of how it looks
like today. I mean, even if we think back, 30 years earlier almost nothing was the same as
today, although I don’t have any experiences about this because I didn’t even live then.
However, we do not know anything for sure, technology changes so fast that we can only
make predictions of what the future holds. There are some extreme and scary predictions as
well. For example a scientific adviser predicts that if we don’t reduce carbon emissions, the
Earth will be warmer, polar ice will melt and oceans will rise. Cities like London and New
York will disappear under the water. We might have to start a colony on Mars, on the Moon
or on another planet. According to my opinion the scariest prediction is the one which says we
will be able to choose how long our life is. Some biologists believe that they will find
treatment for every illness and also we will be able to repair the human body: we will be able
to grow new fingers, new arms, new legs… I mean if we think about growing fingers it is a
kind of weird… Or I don’t know maybe it’s just me who thinks this. Furthermore people are
not only interested in the future but they also want to preserve the past. With time capsules for
example. The point of a time capsule is to store memories and items from the past for the
future, to give a picture of what life was like in the past. Time capsules are usually burried in
the ground and they contain inventions, cultural items, technological items or simply
everyday objects. If I burried a time capsule I would put in books, magazines, films, photos
which are important for me or they might be useful in 2050 when I will be 47 years old. To be
honest I thought a lot about what will be with me in 30 years, but this is such a long period of
time that a lot of things will change by then. By this time I will have a family, I might live
abroad. With hard work I will be successful in my job and I will be running my own
company. Basically, what I know right now is that I want to make my dreams and plans come
true and have a well-balanced life.

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