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Alibango St., Alimodian, Iloilo


Week 1-3

Name: _______________________________ Grade&Cluster: _______ Date: _______ Score: _______

Direction: MULTIPLE CHOICES. Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it on the space provided before each number.

_____1. It is the shaking of the surface of the Earth resulting from the sudden release of energy in the
Earth’s lithosphere.
a. earthquake b. fault c. energy d. friction

_____2. The following statements describe fault except

a. thin zones of crushed blocks of rocks
b. each type of fault is the outcome of different forces pushing or pulling on the crust, causing
rocks to slide up, down or past each other
c. faults are often in centimeters to thousands of kilometers long and their surfaces can be
vertical or horizontal.
d. a fault is a weak point in the tectonic plate where the pressure inside the crust is released but
cannot cause earthquake.

For numbers 3-6, refer to the illustration below:

_____3. You are living within city A which has experienced an earthquake caused by a normal fault.
Describe what has happened to the crust.
a. a part of the crust appeared to have moved downward with respect to the other.
b. the broken crusts slid past one another on a horizontal plane, with little to no vertical
c. a block of crust has slid on top of another.
d. the crust remained the same after the earthquake.

_____4. Which city will experience the least impact of an earthquake?

I. City A II. City B III. City C IV. City D V. City E VI. City F

a. I and II only c. IV only

b. III only d. IV, V and VI only

_____5. Which city will experience an earthquake that is caused by a reverse fault?
a. A, B, C b. B, C, D c. C, E, F d. D, A, B

_____6. Based on the illustration above, what can you infer about faults?
I. Faults come in different kinds depending on how the crust was displaced right after the
II. Faults can break a short or even a long distance of land masses.

a. I only b. II only c. I and II d. none of the two

_____7. How do earthquakes occur?

a. too much heating of the interior of the Earth
b. too much cooling of the surface of the earth
c. when rocks along the fault stuck together
d. when rocks along the fault suddenly move
_____8. Which of the following statements is not true of earthquakes?
a. earthquakes always occur on the uppermost layers of the earth.
b. the strongest earthquakes usually occur along the plate boundaries.
c. rigid plates or rocks either slide towards or away from each other or over and under each other
during quakes.
d. we can always predict the occurrence of earthquakes.

_____9. Why does earth exerts force on the rocks along the faults?
a. because of the heat from the inside of the earth
b. because of the energy inside the earth
c. because friction from inside the earth
d. because of the roughness of the rocks inside the earth

_____10. Why do we need to learn about earthquakes?

a. because strong quakes always occur
b. because quakes always cause death and destruction when it occurs
c. scientists have not found a way to predict the occurrence of earthquake
d. to stop the occurrence of earthquakes

_____11. What is the exact point inside the crust where a tremendous amount of energy actually starts to
be released during earthquake?
a. magnitude b. intensity c. epicenter d. focus

_____12. Which of the following statements is true of active and inactive faults?
a. active faults are areas along in which displacement is expected to occur while Inactive faults are
identified but cannot cause earthquakes.
b. both active and inactive faults are areas where earthquakes can occur.
c. inactive faults are areas along in which displacement is expected to occur while active faults are
identified but cannot cause earthquakes.
d. all of the above

_____13. The following should be done before, during and after an earthquake except
a. have a regular inspection of the stability of hanging objects like frames, mirrors ceiling fans and
b. if you are inside at the higher floor of a building during an earthquake, use the elevator for
faster evacuation of the building
c. keep calm and expect aftershocks. Check yourself and others for injuries and apply first aid if
there is any
d. prepare a bag filled with supplies like flashlights, canned goods, packed foods that cannot be
spoiled easily, bottled water, clothing and other basic needs.

For numbers 14-15, refer to the illustration below.

_____14. If you were to build a house, which point/s will you prefer?

a. I only b. II only c. II and III only d. IV only

_____15. If an earthquake occurs, which point/s will feel the strongest shaking and worse, will have the
greatest destruction?

a. I and II only b. II only c. II and III only d. IV only

_____16. Which point/s is found in the fault line?


a. I and II only b. II only c. II and III only d. IV only

_____17. On February 13, 2021, an earthquake occurred in 71 km from Minamisoma, Fukushima, Japan
which has a recorded magnitude of 7.1. According to the Richter Magnitude Scale, what are the
effects of a 7.1 magnitude earthquake?
a. cause serious harm to ineffectively developed structures over small regions
at most slight damage to well-designed buildings
b. damaging in areas up to 160 kilometers (100 mi) across in populated areas
c. cause major damage over larger areas
d. cause serious damage in places several hundred miles across

_____18. Why do different areas experience different degrees of shaking?

a. because intensity depends on shaking of the ground
b. because intensity depends on material that makes up the ground
c. because intensity depends on the distance of focus to the ground
d. because intensity depends on how deep the focus is underground

_____19. The following can be used as indicator of an approaching earthquake except

a. the animals have strange behavior
b. the palace has experienced violent earthquakes in the previous years
c. the place is situated in a fault line
d. prediction of a fortune teller

_____20. Which of the following is the correct sequence of the activities that you should do during a natural
disaster like an earthquake?
I. Duck under a strong table or desk and hold on to it or cover your head with your arms.
II. Be calm and do the “Drop, Cover, and Hold”. Drop to the ground; cover your head; and hold
until the shaking is over.
III. Move to an open area away from trees, walls or concrete structures. Check yourself and
others for possible injuries and let other people know that you have got out of the building
IV. If the shaking is over, be alert and expect for aftershocks. Get out of the building if you are
inside of it as fast as possible.

a. I, II, III, IV b. II, I, IV, III c. IV, I, III, II d. III, IV, I, II

_____21. What are the waves that are usually generated by tectonic plate movement or earthquakes when
rocks within break producing a large amount of energy, but may also result to explosion, landslide,
and volcanic activity and are recorded by seismographs?
a. seismic b. friction c. gravity d. sound

_____22. Which of the following statements does the different seismic waves tell us?
a. determine the distance from the source of an earthquake by getting the direction and the
difference in the time of arrival of the waves
b. how to prevent earthquakes to occur
c. tells us about the composition of the earth
d. the nature of the earth’s interior

_____23. Recently, you just learned that your house was built next to a fault line. Which of the following
observations may indicate a forthcoming destructive earthquake in your area?
a. An increase in the frequency of smaller earthquakes in the region
b. Rapid tilting of the ground
c. Rapid changes in water levels in wells
d. All of the above

_____24. Earthquake A has a Richter magnitude of 7 as compared with earthquake B which is 6. Which
statement is true?
a. A is 10X more intense than B c. B is 10X more intense than A
b. A is 100X more intense than B d. B is 100X more intense than A
For numbers 25-26, refer to the illustration below:

_____25. What can you infer from the illustration above?

I. Seismic waves are of different types and has different characteristics depending on the
material they are travelling to.
II. Some waves can travel on the solid part of the earth only and some can travel in all the
different layers of the Earth.
III. All seismic waves release the same amount of energy and travels the same speed.

a. I only b. II only c. I and II only d. III only

_____26. What type of seismic wave can travel to all layers of the earth?
a. P-wave b. s-wave c. both d. none

_____27. How do rock particles move during the passage of a P wave through the rock?
a. Back and forth parallel to the direction of wave travel
b. Back and forth perpendicular to the direction of the wave
c. In a rolling circular motion
d. The particles do not move

_____28. Which of the following sequences correctly lists the different arrivals from first to last?
a. Surface waves--- p waves--- S waves c. P waves---S waves---Surface waves
b. P waves--- Surface waves--- S waves d. S waves---P waves---Surface waves

_____29. How do scientists best describe the state of earthquake prediction?

a. by predicting the time and location of almost all earthquakes
b. by predicting the time and location of about 50% of all earthquakes
c. by predicting when an earthquake will occur but not where
d. by characterizing the seismic risk of an area, but cannot yet accurately predict most earthquakes

____30. We believed that Earth’s outer core is fluid because

a. P-waves pass through it but S-waves do not
b. Neither S or P-waves do not pass through it
c. S and P-waves speed up as they pass through it
d. S and P-waves slows down as they pass through it

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