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Jericho Duque Fronda, MS BIO I

2 Morphological Forms:

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

involved in the synthesis helps in metabolism of number
of proteins of different types of molecules
particularly lipids
Learning Objectives
Identify the structures and function of Endoplasmic reticulum
Understand the basis of functional systems how ER could play
vital role on sequence signalling and translocation of
molecules across the membrane.
Understand the process how some proteins functions as
catalyst the translocation activity by the ER.
Understand how ER specially the smooth ER perform its
function in the synthesis of lipids.
Understand the mechanisms involved in the process of protein
production by the ER
The Endoplasmic Reticulum - netlike labyrinth of
branching tubules
and flattened sacs
extending throughout
the cytosol
- tubules and sacs are
all thought to
interconnect, so that
the ER membrane
forms a continuous
sheet enclosing a
single internal space
called the ER lumen or
the ER cisternal space.
Membrane-bound Ribosomes
define the Rough ER
The ER captures selected proteins from the cytosol as
they are being synthesized.

2 Types:
Transmembrane proteins - which are only partly translocated
across the ER membrane and become embedded in it
Water-soluble proteins - which are fully translocated across
the ER membrane and are released into the ER lumen
Watch video here:
What are the three way proteins
can move across the membrane?
Mitochondria and ER
Secretory pathway
In mammalian cells..
- describes any
process involving a
protein that occurs
after protein
synthesis is

- describes import of a protein into the endoplasmic reticulum
before the polypeptide chain is completely synthesized.
Watch video here:
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
Endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes on its cytosolic surface. Involved in the
synthesis of secreted and membrane-bound proteins.
Two spatially separate populations
of ribosomes in the cytosol:

- attached to the cytosolic face of the
endoplasmic reticulum. The site of
synthesis of proteins that enter the
endoplasmic reticulum.
- that is free in the cytosol,
unattached to any membrane. It is
the site of synthesis of all proteins
An electron micrograph of the rough ER in a pancreatic exocrine
encoded by the nuclear genome other
cell that makes and secretes large amounts of digestive enzymes than those destined to enter the
every day. The cytosol is filled with closely packed sheets of ER
membrane studded with ribosomes endoplasmic reticulum.
How are the ribosomes directed
to the ER?
Ribosome with
polypeptide chain will
be directed to ER
membrane only if the
appropriate signal
sequence is present
(otherwise it will remain
in cytosol).
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)
Region of the endoplasmic reticulum not associated with ribosomes. It is involved in lipid synthesis.

Abundant smooth ER in a steroid- A three-dimensional reconstruction of a

hormone-secreting cell. This electron region of smooth ER and rough ER in a liver
micrograph is of a testosterone-secreting
Leydig cell in the human testis
Key Functions of the Smooth
Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)
Principal site of production of lipoprotein
particles, which carry lipids via the
bloodstream to other parts of the body.
- enzymes that synthesize the lipid components of lipoproteins are
located in the membrane of the smooth ER, which also contains
enzymes that catalyze a series of reactions to detoxify both lipid-
soluble drugs and various harmful compounds produced by
Phospholipid Biosynthesis Pathway
Phospholipid Biosynthesis Pathway
Synthesis of Cholesterol
The most extensively studied of these detoxification reactions are carried
out by the cytochrome P450 family of enzymes, which catalyze a
series of reactions in which water-insoluble drugs or metabolites
that would otherwise accumulate to toxic levels in cell
membranes are rendered sufficiently water-soluble to leave the
cell and be excreted in the urine. Because the rough ER alone cannot
house enough of these and other necessary enzymes, a major portion of
the membrane in a hepatocyte normally consists of smooth ER.
Did you know that Rough and Smooth
Regions of ER Can Be Separated by
The isolation of purified rough and smooth microsomes from the ER.

(A) When sedimented to equilibrium through a gradient of sucrose, the two types of microsomes
separate from each other on the basis of their different densities.
(B) A thin section electron micrograph of the purified rough ER fraction shows an abundance of
ribosome-studded vesicles. (courtesy of George Palade)
Did you know that Signal Sequences
Were First Discovered in Proteins
Imported into the Rough ER?
The signal hypothesis
A simplified view of protein
translocation across the ER
membrane, as originally proposed.
When the ER signal sequence
emerges from the ribosome, it
directs the ribosome to a
translocator on the ER membrane
that forms a pore in the membrane
through which the polypeptide is
translocated. The signal sequence is
clipped off during translation by a
signal peptidase, and the mature
protein is released into the lumen of
the ER immediately after being
synthesized. We now know that the
hypothesis is correct in outline but
that additional components besides
those shown in this figure are
A Signal-Recognition Particle (SRP) Directs ER Signal
Sequences to a Specific Receptor in the Rough ER Membrane

The ER signal sequence is guided to the ER membrane by at least two components:

Signal-recognition particle (SRP)-cycles between the ER membrane and the cytosol and
binds to the signal sequence
SRP receptor- in the ER membrane
The SRP is a complex particle consisting of six different polypeptide chains bound to a
single small RNA molecule
Signal Sequences and Signal-Recognition Particles
Watch video here:
Translocation Across the ER Membrane Does Not Always Require
Ongoing Polypeptide Chain Elongation
The ER Signal Sequence Is Removed from Most Soluble
Proteins After Translocation
A model for how a soluble protein is translocated across the ER membrane
In Single-Pass Transmembrane Proteins, a Single Internal ER Signal
Sequence Remains in the Lipid Bilayer as a Membrane-spanning α Helix
Combinations of Start-Transfer and Stop-Transfer Signals Determine the
Topology of Multipass Transmembrane Proteins

Integration of a double-pass membrane protein with an internal signal sequence into the ER membrane
Combinations of Start-Transfer and Stop-Transfer Signals Determine the
Topology of Multipass Transmembrane Proteins

The insertion of the multipass membrane protein rhodopsin into the ER membrane
Translocated Polypeptide Chains Fold and Assemble in
the Lumen of the Rough ER

▪en Many of the proteins in the lumen of the ER are in transit,

route to other destinations
▪of four
These ER resident proteins contain an ER retention signal
amino acids at their C terminus that is responsible for
retaining the protein in the ER.
Some of these proteins function as catalysts that help the
proteins that are translocated into the ER to fold and
assemble correctly.
Most Proteins Synthesized in the Rough ER Are
Glycosylated by the Addition of a Common N-
linked Oligosaccharid

The asparagine-linked (N-linked) precursor oligosaccharide

that is added to most proteins in the rough ER membrane
The five sugars in the gray box form the “core region” of this
oligosaccharide. For many glycoproteins, only the core sugars survive
the extensive oligosaccharide trimming process that takes place in the
Golgi apparatus. Only asparagines in the sequences Asn-X-Ser and
Asn-X-Thr (where X is any amino acid except proline) become
glycosylated. These two sequences occur much less frequently in
glycoproteins than in nonglycosylated cytosolic proteins; evidently
there has been selective pressure against these sequences during
protein evolution, presumably because glycosylation at too many sites
would interfere with protein folding.
Most Proteins Synthesized in the
Rough ER Are Glycosylated by the
Addition of a Common N-linked

Protein glycosylation in the rough ER

Almost as soon as a polypeptide chain enters
the ER lumen, it is glycosylated on target
asparagine amino acids. The precursor
oligosaccharide shown in Figure 12-51 is
transferred to the asparagine as an intact
unit in a reaction catalyzed by a membrane-
bound oligosaccharyl transferase enzyme. As
with signal peptidase, one copy of this
enzyme is associated with each protein
translocator in the ER membrane. (The
ribosome is not shown for clarity.)
Most Proteins Synthesized in the Rough ER Are
Glycosylated by the Addition of a Common N-
linked Oligosaccharid

Synthesis of the lipid-linked precursor oligosaccharide in

the rough ER membrane
The oligosaccharide is assembled sugar by sugar onto the carrier
lipid dolichol (a polyisoprenoid). Dolichol is long and very
hydrophobic: its 22 five-carbon units can span the thickness of a
lipid bilayer more than three times, so that the attached
oligosaccharide is firmly anchored in the membrane. The first
sugar is linked to dolichol by a pyrophosphate bridge. This high-
energy bond activates the oligosaccharide for its eventual transfer
from the lipid to an asparagine side chain of a nascent
polypeptide on the lumenal side of the rough ER. As indicated, the
synthesis of the oligosaccharide starts on the cytosolic side of the
ER membrane and continues on the lumenal face after the
(Man)5(GlcNAc)2 lipid intermediate is flipped across the bilayer by
a transporter protein. All the subsequent glycosyl transfer
reactions on the lumenal side of the ER involve transfers from
dolichol-P-glucose and dolichol-P-mannose; these activated, lipid-
linked monosaccharides are synthesized from dolichol phosphate
and UDP-glucose or GDP-mannose (as appropriate) on the
cytosolic side of the ER and are then thought to be flipped across
the ER membrane. GlcNAc = N-acetylglucosamine; Man =
mannose; Glc = glucose.
Oligosaccharides Are Used as Tags to Mark the State of Protein Folding

The role of N-linked glycosylation in ER

protein folding
The ER-membrane-bound chaperone protein
calnexin binds to incompletely folded
proteins containing one terminal glucose on
N-linked oligosaccharides, trapping the
protein in the ER. Removal of the terminal
glucose by a glucosidase releases the protein
from calnexin. A glucosyl transferase is the
crucial enzyme that determines whether the
protein is folded properly or not: if the
protein is still incompletely folded, the
enzyme transfers a new glucose from UDP-
glucose to the N-linked oligosaccharide,
renewing the protein's affinity for calnexin
and retaining it in the ER. The cycle repeats
until the protein has folded completely.
Calreticulin functions similarly, except that it
is a soluble ER resident protein. Another ER
chaperone, ERp57 (not shown), collaborates
with calnexin and calreticulin in retaining an
incompletely folded protein in the ER.
Improperly Folded Proteins Are Exported from the ER and Degraded in the Cytosol

The export and degradation of misfolded ER proteins

Misfolded soluble proteins in the ER lumen are translocated back into the cytosol, where they are deglycosylated,
ubiquitylated, and degraded in proteasomes. Misfolded membrane proteins follow a similar pathway. Misfolded
proteins are exported through the same type of translocator that mediated their import; accessory proteins that are
associated with the translocator allow it to operate in the export direction.
Misfolded Proteins in the ER Activate an Unfolded Protein Response

The unfolded
protein response
in yeast
By this novel
signaling pathway,
the accumulation of
misfolded proteins
in the ER lumen
signals to the
nucleus to activate
the transcription of
genes that encode
proteins that help
the cell to cope with
the abundance of
misfolded proteins
in the ER.
Some Membrane Proteins Acquire a Covalently Attached
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) Anchor

The attachment of a GPI anchor to a protein in the ER

Immediately after the completion of protein synthesis, the precursor protein remains anchored in the ER membrane by a hydrophobic C-terminal sequence of 15–
20 amino acids; the rest of the protein is in the ER lumen. Within less than a minute, an enzyme in the ER cuts the protein free from its membrane-bound C
terminus and simultaneously attaches the new C terminus to an amino group on a preassembled GPI intermediate. The signal that specifies this modification is
contained within the hydrophobic C-terminal sequence and a few amino acids adjacent to it on the lumenal side of the ER membrane; if this signal is added to
other proteins, they too become modified in this way. Because of the covalently linked lipid anchor, the protein remains membrane-bound, with all of its amino
acids exposed initially on the lumenal side of the ER and eventually on the cell exterior.
Most Membrane
Lipid Bilayers
Are Assembled
in the ER
The synthesis of
This phospholipid is
synthesized from fatty
acyl-coenzyme A (fatty
acyl CoA), glycerol 3-
phosphate, and
The role of phospholipid
translocators in lipid bilayer
ER Membrane
Because new lipid molecules are
added only to the cytosolic half of the
bilayer and lipid molecules do not flip
spontaneously from one monolayer to
the other, a membrane-bound
phospholipid translocator (called a
scramblase) is required to transfer
lipid molecules from the cytosolic half
to the lumenal half so that the
membrane grows as a bilayer.
Plasma Membrane
Fueled by ATP hydrolysis, a head-
group-specific flippase in the plasma
membrane actively flips
phosphatidylserine and
directionally from the extracellular to
the cytosolic leaflet, creating the
characteristically asymmetric lipid
bilayer of the plasma membrane of
animal cells
Phospholipid Exchange Proteins Help to Transport
Phospholipids from the ER to Mitochondria and Peroxisomes

Phospholipid exchange proteins

Because phospholipids are insoluble in water, their passage
between membranes requires carrier proteins. Phospholipid
exchange proteins are water-soluble proteins that carry a
single molecule of phospholipid at a time; they can pick up a
lipid molecule from one membrane and release it at another,
thereby redistributing phospholipids between membrane-
enclosed compartments. The net transfer of
phosphatidylcholine (PC) from the ER to mitochondria can
occur without the input of additional energy, because the
concentration of PC is high in the ER membrane (where it is
made) and low in the outer mitochondrial membrane. One
predicts a lipid translocator in the outer mitochondrial
membrane to equilibrate the lipids between the two leaflets of
its bilayer, and there must also be a mechanism to transfer
lipids between the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes.
These postulated pathways, however, remain to be discovered.

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