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The story will be starting from the Mumbai office where the senior manager is talking to the junior

about employees in Kolkata office how they work and why they leave so early and all. On that time a
Ghost who was sitting nearby heard their conversation and wandering that staying in a crowded
place like Mumbai is too much hectic I want to stay somewhere peaceful like the place they were
talking about. So, the very next moment the ghost arrived at the Kolkata thinking that he will get a
peaceful and silent place to stay. But when he arrived at the office, he first landed on the song
recording studio where they were recording a new song. Then he started exploring the whole office
starting from the finance department, where he saw the team discussing about the budget and all
(song playing similar to the situation). Then he went to the content team where he saw the team
brainstorming about new ideas they want to launch (another song). After that he went to the
promotional team where everyone was so busy with all the contents and post they want to post to
promote (another song playing). He also went to other departments and saw how hard they wok
and they are so busy with their work. He didn’t even get a peaceful place to stay. After that he went
to the factory inside the office campus thinking that their will be no one and he can reside their but
unfortunately after sometime there were people shooting videos in that factory. Next the employees
told the ghost that it is not your place, you can’t stay here. This is not the place that you thought it
will be (song).

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