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Coraline… The end?

Coraline… The end?


Narrator Diya Bagha

Coraline… The end?

INT./EXT. – Coraline movie – Montage.

-- Coraline going through the tunnel.
-- Coraline meeting her other mother and father.
-- Coraline being shown the buttons.
-- Coraline being thrown into the mirror with ghost children.
-- Coraline with the cat.
-- Coraline fighting the other mother.
-- Coraline escaping and closing the tunnel door.
-- Coraline and Wybie with the hand.
-- Black screen.

And that was it. The Beldam was dead. Right? She had to be. Coraline
had closed the door. She’d saved her parents. The other mother was
surely dead. Dead as can be. Deader than those three ghost children.
Deader than other Wybie. Dead.

MUSIC: Mysterious, fast paced.

EXT: Woods near the pink palace – Evening.

The OTHER MOTHER’S hand is twitching in the hole that WYBIE and CORALINE dug.
We look down on it before it gets covered in dirt. In the shot, we look down a pit,
seeing the hand laying there, we see shovels and dirt come into view slightly. The O
shaped hole slowly merges into the skylight, the O being the moon in the sky, two
craters making it seem like a button.

MUSIC: Coraline Iconic Song.

SOUNDS: Shovels digging dirt, dirt being dropped onto a metal arm and
being dug up again.

INT. Coraline’s bedroom – Evening.

Coraline is walking back into her room, takes a sigh of relief and falls onto her bed.
The camera follows her walking over to her bed and cuts to a bird eye view shot as
she falls onto the bed. When she hits the bed, the screen cuts to the next scene.

SOUNDS: Door slamming, steps in wooden floor, sighs, creaky bed, a

small thud sound, spring sound.

INT. Coraline’s Bedroom – Morning.

CORALINE wakes up to a bright light beaming into her room and tree’s leaves
rustling. She groans, rolls out of bed before getting up and sludging over to the
window. She sees the shadow, yelps and jumps back, falling on the floor as it
Coraline… The end?

disappears. She slowly gets up and walks over, moving the curtain to the side and
looking around before yanking them shut.

Coraline! Don’t just shrug it off! There was something at your
window! (SIGHS). Maybe I’m the one imagining things now. I hope it’s
just my imagination.

SOUNDS: Leaves rustling, Blankets rustling, clothes rustling, footsteps,

thud sound, gasp, curtains being pulled to the side then
quickly shut closed.

INT. Pink palace, Coraline’s corridor and main door – Morning.

Coraline makes her way through the corridor and outside. She feels eyes on here as
she walks through the corridor, the pictures seem to be following her with their
eyes. She stops at the door, turns around before shrugging and walking back through
the door and slamming it shut.

Coraline felt safe. Safe in the comfort of her new home, safe in the
world she called her own, and safe in her parents loving embrace. She
felt especially safe now that the door was shut and locked. It was
locked right, Coraline? Surely, she did. She wouldn’t not locking it.
And that thing wasn’t real, it’s a figment of our imaginations. It’s just
the after effects of being involved with the Other mother and her evil
ways. It’ll all go away soon.

SOUNDS: Shoes on wooden floor, plastic-ish clothes being moved about,

clothes rustling, creaky floor boards, wind in the background,
creaky door, door slam.

MUSIC: Eerie and mysterious, ends abruptly when the door slams.


The scene is just

Oh, where has that girl gone? I swear, little girls beat one evil mother
and think they can beat the world. Oh wait, there she is.

EXT. Woods – Late Afternoon.

The camera spins around to see Coraline walking with a twig, oddly shaped like the
other mother’s hand. She is covered in dirt, from playing around and exploring. She
hums, now on her way home. The cat suddenly appears by her side.
Coraline… The end?

EXT. Woods – Late afternoon/early evening.

Coraline is whisked away, pulled down the street by an invisible force. The cat is at
her feet, purring as he walks along. Coraline is screaming, and kicking, trying to
escape as the cat shakes its head.

The cat! I knew it! There’s always been something off about him! He’s
always disappearing and reappearing at convenient times. I knew it!
Always watching from afar, lurking in the shadows, waiting for the
right moment to signal the other mother. And now is perfect, the best
time, it wouldn’t be hard for her to come through. Seeing as we never
even left the other world. Coraline didn’t actually save her parents or
kill the Beldam.

Coraline shakes her head and looks at the cat. Coraline stops moving by the force
and is hung on a tree. The cat bows its head down and walks backwards.

SOUNDS: Being pulled on dirt, cats walking along, purring, screaming,

kicking, branches and leaves moving.

What- What’s in the shadows? Oh my god it’s her!

EXT. Woods – Evening.

The other mother emerges from the shadows, grinning wickedly. The cat steps back
before the other mother steps forward and pets him gently. Coraline gasps,
struggling more now. The other mother snaps her fingers and buttons appear in her
hand. She turns to face the camera and grins before turning back around to face
Coraline, about to put buttons in her eyes. The screen cuts to black and a scream is

SOUNDS: Cat meowing, paws on dirt, heels on dirt, being dragged in the
dirt, clothes rustling, fingers clicking, screams, buttons clicking

MUSIC: Dramatic, intense, upbeat

EXT. White Screen.

Coraline faces away from the camera, humming. A white screen behind her. Before
she turns around, buttons in her eyes with a sad look. A metallic hand comes into
view from behind Coraline, it grabs her hood and pulls her out of view. Once she is
out, the end credits start rolling.

MUSIC: Creepy, slow then fast beat.

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