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Contingency Plan:

What are your plans for if something goes wrong?

What back up actors, locations and equipment do you have?

If anything goes wrong, I have the plan to remain calm. I plan to always have polymer clay and
aluminium wire on me when recording, in case any of my models start to fall apart or anything
of the sorts. This can be useful for sets as well, in case anything starts to fall apart or
something is missing, I can quickly repair it. I also plan to not have everything under the lights
and be touched for too long, scared of it starting to deform. When I do move the characters
about, it will be gentle, and slightly, still very cautious as I am scared of breaking or
disforming one of my characters and never being able to get it the same way.

If the room I want to use is booked that is when we have an issue, I may have to resort to
recording a different scene at home, this way the difference of lighting doesn’t affect me too
much and it isn’t noticeable to a certain extent. But to avoid this, I plan to have everything
booked out and sorted way before I want to start recording. At least, I would have the
equipment booked out so I have a way to get to the things I want in my production scenes.

I plan to hire out the equipment over the weekend (the 25th and 26th of February) so that I can
be guaranteed the items, locations and anything else I need. If I struggle with all that, I plan
to email Adam or Sarah about my questions I may have or if I can book something that is not on
the list. Although I need narration, I plan to do that myself, this means I don’t have to rely on
other people being free, I can book out the recording booth and just get it done whenever I can.

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