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The generation gap between parents and their children has long been a source of conflict and

miscommunication. This gap can be pronounced when parents do not understand or relate to their
children's experiences and perspectives. It can be frustrating and isolating for children to believe that
their parents do not understand them, which can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings.

One factor contributing to the generation gap is that each generation had a different way of life. A
parent who grew up for example 50 years ago, probably had a better relationship with their parents
than their child who grew up in the in the 21 st century.

Here are some ways I believe could fix these problems:

I believe that we need a very open and honest communication with our parents since technically they
are our best friends and will always be there to help us. This can help parents understand their
children's perspectives and give them a better understanding of their situation. Also we need to try to
listen someone and view their situation from another perspective…

Today, a lot of people seek help with their close friends or other family members in order to get calm
and forget about the tension between them and their parents. Those kind of people can give you an
advice from a neutral view point which can possibly solve both problems from both sides. It is possible
to bridge the gap and strengthen your relationship with your parents with time, patience, and

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