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Inclusive Excellence

John Reed MD

I appreciate that the UC system is embracing excellence in diversity through self

reflective efforts such as this statement as an integral part of the hiring process. Coming
from a multi-ethnic background, I have been fortunate in my upbringing to be raised
culturally aware and appreciative. I believe this manifests itself in my personal actions
most obviously in the services and training I provide to the underserved and historically
barred from advanced education populations. I believe making a personal connection
with my patients, colleagues and students is integral to creating a healthy and productive
workplace. This can only be accomplished when we go beyond just respecting our
differences, and actually embrace them. My immediate family is a bit of a rainbow
coalition in itself, and while not every family moment is a Hallmark channel episode, we
all love and respect each other for who we are and who we strive to be.

More concrete examples of my actions would be as CEO my dismissal of an executive for

sexual harassment, and the building of a Board of Directors that was culturally diverse.

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