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Epoxy Painting & sand blasting job

inside Condensate storage Tank 2

With the passage of time, condensate tank corroded from inside so, we decided to do epoxy painting. Epoxy
coating uses a chemical mix of two liquid components, epoxy resin and hardener, to create a rough
solvent resistant finish. Epoxy painting is typically used on steel to give resistance to water, alkali and
acids. Metal tanks are often coated with epoxy to prevent rusting.

Job safety measures:

 We check the oxygen level.
 Ventilation system is placed.
 Inflammability level checked.
 Rubber gloves, goggles and helmet are provided.
 PTW (Confined space) issued.
 Scaffolding is placed.

Confined Space Permit:


Paint Used:
Berger paint codes No# 9215 OFF WHITE. Epimastic 3000 HS – OFF WHITE 3.5 liters

Thinner used:

Ventilation System:

Scaffolding installation:

Before Painting:

Cleaning with Emery Paper:

Emery paper is a type of abrasive paper or sand paper that can be used to remove material from
surfaces or mechanically finish a surface. Operations include debarring, polishing, paint removal,
corrosion removal, sizing, etc.

Sand blasting:

Sand blasting is used before epoxy paint coating in oil storage tanks as a surface preparation method. The sand
blasting process removes rust, corrosion, mill scale, and other surface contaminants, providing a clean, rough
surface for the epoxy coating to adhere to. The rough surface also increases the surface area for the coating to
bond to, resulting in a stronger, more durable coating. Sand blasting is an effective way to prepare the surface of
oil storage tanks for painting, and helps ensure that the final coating will provide the necessary protection against
corrosion and other environmental factors.

Starting first coat of Berger paint:


Final Coat of Epoxy paint:

After the availability of all the items final coat of epoxy paint is carried out. So, at the end of job completion, it
looks better & more resistant against corrosion as shown in below pictures.

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