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Define the target market: The first step is to define the target market for Kurkure.

The product is
popular among children and young adults, so the target audience could be individuals between the
ages of 5 and 35.

Identify unique selling proposition (USP): Next, identify the unique selling proposition (USP) for
Kurkure. The product has a unique taste and texture that is different from other snacks in the
market, so this can be highlighted as the USP.

Develop a brand image: Develop a brand image for Kurkure that is fun, playful and exciting. The
brand should reflect the unique taste and texture of the product and appeal to the target audience.

Use social media: Social media is a powerful tool to reach the target audience. Create a social media
campaign that is fun, engaging and interactive. Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
to showcase the product and its unique taste and texture.

Leverage influencers: Collaborate with influencers on social media to reach a wider audience.
Partner with influencers who have a large following among the target audience and who can
showcase the product in an authentic way.

Host events: Host events that showcase the product and its unique taste and texture. These events
can be targeted towards the target audience and can be held in areas where the target audience is
likely to be present.

Create partnerships: Partner with other brands that have a similar target audience. This can help
expand the reach of the product and create more opportunities for exposure.

Use promotions: Use promotions and discounts to incentivize customers to try the product. This can
be done through online promotions, in-store promotions, or by partnering with retailers to offer

Measure and analyze: Measure the success of the marketing plan and analyze the results. Use this
information to refine the plan and make adjustments as necessary.

Overall, the marketing plan for Kurkure should focus on creating a fun, playful and exciting brand
image that appeals to the target audience. The unique taste and texture of the product should be
highlighted through social media, influencer partnerships, events, and promotions. By implementing
these strategies, Kurkure can increase its brand awareness and attract more customers.

Marketing Plan for Kurkure:

1. Understand the target market: Identify the target audience and understand
their preferences, lifestyle, and behavior. Kurkure's target market could be
young adults who are always on the go and looking for quick snack options.
2. Brand Positioning: Position Kurkure as a fun and exciting snack that can be
enjoyed anytime, anywhere. Highlight the unique taste and crunchiness of
Kurkure, which sets it apart from other snacks.
3. Advertising: Use various media platforms to reach out to the target audience.
Use television ads, social media, and digital ads to promote Kurkure. Use
catchy and creative slogans to grab the attention of the audience.
4. Sampling: Conduct sampling activities in various locations to introduce
Kurkure to potential customers. Offer free samples to customers in shopping
malls, movie theaters, and other crowded places.
5. Promotions and discounts: Offer promotions and discounts on Kurkure to
increase sales. Partner with retailers and offer combo deals to boost sales.
6. Sponsorship: Sponsor events and programs that align with the brand's image
and target audience. For example, Kurkure could sponsor college festivals or
sports events.
7. Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with social media influencers to promote
Kurkure. Identify influencers who have a large following and align with the
brand's image.
8. Product innovation: Introduce new flavors and packaging to keep the product
fresh and exciting for consumers. Consider introducing healthy snack options
as well.
9. Customer engagement: Interact with customers through social media
platforms. Conduct polls and surveys to understand customer preferences and
10. Evaluation: Continuously monitor and evaluate the marketing plan's
effectiveness. Use customer feedback and sales data to make necessary
changes and improvements.

SWOT Analysis of Kurkure:


1. Unique Taste and Texture: Kurkure has a unique crunchy texture and taste that
sets it apart from other snack brands.
2. Brand Recognition: Kurkure is a well-known brand in India and has a strong
brand recognition among consumers.
3. Wide Distribution Network: Kurkure is widely available in various retail outlets
and has a strong distribution network.
4. Product Innovation: Kurkure has continuously introduced new flavors and
packaging to keep the product fresh and exciting for consumers.
5. Affordable Price: Kurkure is an affordable snack option, making it accessible to
a larger consumer base.

1. Health Concerns: Kurkure is perceived as an unhealthy snack option by some
consumers, which could limit its potential market.
2. Limited Product Range: Kurkure primarily focuses on snacks and does not
offer a wider range of food products.
3. Competition: Kurkure faces stiff competition from other snack brands, making
it difficult to retain market share.
4. Dependence on the Indian Market: Kurkure's sales primarily come from the
Indian market, which could limit its growth potential.


1. Healthier Snack Options: Kurkure could introduce healthier snack options to

attract health-conscious consumers.
2. Expansion into International Markets: Kurkure could explore expansion
opportunities into international markets.
3. Collaborations and Partnerships: Kurkure could partner with other food brands
to introduce new products and expand its product range.
4. Diversification: Kurkure could consider diversifying into other food products to
increase revenue streams.


1. Changing Consumer Preferences: Consumer preferences and trends could

shift away from snack foods, affecting Kurkure's sales.
2. Increasing Competition: Other snack brands could introduce similar products,
increasing competition in the market.
3. Government Regulations: The Indian government could introduce regulations
or taxes on unhealthy snack foods, impacting Kurkure's sales.
4. Economic Factors: Economic factors such as inflation and recession could
impact consumer spending and affect Kurkure's sales.

Marketing Objectives of Kurkure:

1. Increase Brand Awareness: The first objective of Kurkure's marketing plan

should be to increase brand awareness. Kurkure is already a well-known brand
in India, but the company should aim to expand its reach and build brand
recognition among new and younger consumers.
2. Expand Market Share: The second objective of Kurkure's marketing plan
should be to increase market share. This can be achieved through targeted
advertising campaigns and promotions that encourage customers to choose
Kurkure over competing snack brands.
3. Introduce New Flavors: The third objective of Kurkure's marketing plan should
be to introduce new and innovative flavors to attract customers and keep the
brand fresh and exciting.
4. Increase Sales: The fourth objective of Kurkure's marketing plan should be to
increase sales. This can be achieved through strategic partnerships with
retailers and offering promotions and discounts to customers.
5. Promote Healthier Snack Options: The fifth objective of Kurkure's marketing
plan should be to promote healthier snack options to attract health-conscious
consumers. This could include introducing low-fat or low-calorie options or
highlighting the natural ingredients used in Kurkure products.
6. Strengthen Customer Engagement: The sixth objective of Kurkure's marketing
plan should be to strengthen customer engagement. This can be achieved
through social media campaigns, conducting surveys, and responding to
customer feedback.
7. Expand International Presence: The seventh objective of Kurkure's marketing
plan should be to expand its international presence. The brand has the
potential to be successful in other markets outside of India, and the company
should explore opportunities to expand its reach.

Overall, Kurkure's marketing objectives should focus on increasing brand awareness,

expanding market share, introducing new flavors, promoting healthier snack options,
increasing sales, strengthening customer engagement, and expanding its
international presence.

Market Audit or Situation Analysis of Kurkure:

1. Company Background: Kurkure is a popular snack brand owned by PepsiCo

India. It was launched in 1999 and has since become a household name in
2. Market Overview: The snack food market in India is highly competitive, with
numerous brands vying for market share. Kurkure faces stiff competition from
other established brands like Lays, Bingo, and Haldiram's.
3. Consumer Analysis: Kurkure's target market is young adults who are always on
the go and looking for quick snack options. However, the brand has a broad
customer base due to its affordability and availability.
4. SWOT Analysis: Kurkure's strengths include its unique taste and texture, brand
recognition, and wide distribution network. Its weaknesses include health
concerns and limited product range. Opportunities include introducing
healthier snack options and expanding into international markets, while
threats include changing consumer preferences and increasing competition.
5. Marketing Objectives: Kurkure's marketing objectives include increasing brand
awareness, sales, customer loyalty, and social media engagement. It also aims
to expand distribution, introduce healthier snack options, and collaborate with
influencers. The company aims to measure marketing effectiveness regularly
to improve results.
6. Marketing Mix: Kurkure's marketing mix includes product (snack foods), price
(affordable), promotion (advertising, sampling, promotions, and influencer
marketing), and place (wide distribution network).
7. Sales Performance: Kurkure's sales performance has been positive, with the
brand holding a significant market share in the Indian snack food market.
8. External Factors: External factors that could impact Kurkure's performance
include changing consumer preferences, increasing competition, government
regulations, and economic factors like inflation and recession.
9. Internal Factors: Internal factors that could impact Kurkure's performance
include product innovation, customer service, and supply chain efficiency.

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