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1. Introduction
*FitCakes Company
Established in 2023
Business activities: Manufacture and supply of healthy cakes.
In the mission of creating healthy weight-loss cake products for customers. The company has
continuously made efforts, researched cake recipes, and launched the project
*Fat-free project with FitCakes
With this project, our company FitCakes wants to introduce to customers a line of foods that
are not only healthy but also have a great taste.
That is Oatmeal cookies. A product made from natural ingredients, so customers will
definitely love it because of its safety and quality
Media message: “Enjoy cakes without worrying about your weight”
Product’s use - công dụng: Supplements abundant nutrition, provide large amounts of fiber
to help lose weight, and are good for cardiovascular
Product Advantage: It can be said that this is a healthy food. Because oatmeal materials are
100% imported from America, Australia, and New Zealand.
Replace sugar with honey, with no bad fats, and no white starch, helping to limit harmful
Oatmeal cookies are lower in calories than regular cookies.
Instant cakes, easy to use and do not take time to prepare, suitable for people who want to
lose weight but are busy.

2. Reason for planning GTM strategy

Using a Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy for a company's product brings several significant
benefits. Here are some reasons why implementing a GTM strategy is important:
Gain attention and reach customers: Helping identify the right target customer segments
and the best approach to reach them. It generates awareness and increases brand visibility,
making the product stand out in a competitive market.
Optimize product distribution: Determining the most effective distribution channels for
the product. By understanding customer requirements and purchasing behaviors, deliver the
product quickly to customers.
Build customer relationships: Establishing strong customer relationships. By
understanding and addressing customer needs, the company can create positive experiences,
build trust, foster loyalty, and enhance word-of-mouth referrals.
Enhance marketing effectiveness: GTM helps optimize marketing campaigns and
advertising efforts. By understanding the target customers and the market, the company can
develop targeted and creative marketing messages to attract attention and make an impact.
Achieve rapid and efficient growth: GTM optimizes product launch and market entry,
boosts sales, and generates profits.
In summary, using a Go-to-Market strategy allows a company to maximize the
potential of its product, increase brand awareness, build customer relationships, and achieve
sustainable growth in the market
Market Targeting Strategy: Utilizing Multi-Segment Marketing (Multi-segment marketing
refers to activities aimed at targeting more than one market segment) is further elaborated in
sections 3-4.

3. GTM Strategy
a. Segmenting the market:


What problem does your product or service solve?

Who are the potential individuals who may encounter this problem?

Do different groups have different needs?

→ The product addresses the issue of providing a dietary product for those who require a
special diet or eating regimen.

→ It is intended for individuals with specific dietary needs or those looking to lose weight.

→ Additionally, the product can be used by individuals facing health-related issues or

seeking to improve their health.

According to psychology:

1. Individuals focusing on appearance: They are concerned about maintaining their physique
and health, seeking products rich in nutrients but low in calories to maintain their shape and
appearance. They also look for alternative snack options.
2. Emotionally-driven individuals: They seek products that satisfy their emotional needs,
providing a sense of relaxation and happiness.

3. Health-conscious individuals: They are concerned about foods that ensure their well-being
and may have health issues such as diabetes, allergies, or simply want to maintain good

According to behavior:

1. What drives customers to make a purchase?: Nutritional quality, reasonable pricing,

appealing taste, and meeting the dietary needs of the buyer.

2. Common customer preferences?: Customers generally care about their appearance and
personal health.

3. Who makes the buying decisions?: It's typically the person with the primary shopping
needs or managing the dietary regimen for their family or business.

4. How often do they buy the product?: It depends on individual needs and can vary over

5. Product usage rate?: It varies based on usage needs.

6. Do they buy online through your website, or do they prefer to see the product in-store
before purchasing?: Customers can make purchases both online through websites or directly
in physical stores.

Identifying the target customers:

Age group: Diverse, ranging from 18 years and older, including older individuals who are
concerned about health and appearance.

Gender: Gender-neutral, suitable for both men and women.

The primary purpose of using the product: To maintain or improve their health and physique
by controlling calorie intake, fat, sugar, and unhealthy components in their diet.

Intention to purchase the diet product: When they are implementing or planning their dietary
regimen and have a need for a suitable nutritional option for their dietary or weight
management goals.

Nutritional needs: A preference for low-sugar, low-calorie options with high nutritional

Financial conditions: The product offers a range of price points to accommodate various
budget segments, making it financially accessible to many.
Customer feedback: Feedback from the product and the reasons for purchasing to expand the
customer base.

Value the product brings to customers: Taste and preference experience, meeting customer
needs, product safety, and reliability.

Market Targeting Strategy: Utilizing Multi-Segment Marketing (Multi-segment

marketing refers to activities aimed at targeting more than one market segment) is
further elaborated in sections 3-4.

Steps to build a market targeting strategy:

1. Market Segmentation: Divide the market into distinct segments based on demographics,
psychographics, and behavioral factors.

2. Identify Target Customers: Determine the specific customer groups within those segments
that are most aligned with our product.

3. Develop Messaging: Craft tailored messages that resonate with each target segment,
addressing their unique needs and preferences.

4. Choose Appropriate Marketing Channels: Select the most effective marketing channels for
reaching each target segment. This may include social media, the internet, direct sales, etc.

5. Customize the Product: Adapt our product to meet the demands of each segment. This can
involve product composition, pricing, marketing campaigns, etc.

6. Implement Measurement: Execute marketing efforts and measure the campaign's

performance against predefined key performance indicators (KPIs).

7. Adjust the Campaign: Based on the data collected, make necessary adjustments to our
marketing strategy to better align with the needs and responses of each segment.

By following these steps, we can effectively tailor our marketing approach to multiple market
segments, increasing our product's appeal and market penetration.

b. Sales process activities:

Interest creation: First, as an activity to create interest, to make customers pay
attention, and recognize the product, we will optimize our advertising strategy through
content marketing activities related to customers' dietary needs, optimizing search engines,
and participating in events, forums on food and health to establish connections with potential
Pre-purchase: After attracting customer interest, at this stage, to build relationships
and trust with customers, we will provide them with information about our products so that
they can carefully consider them. We will deploy the inside sales business model strategy:
this strategy will rely on the company's marketing resources. We will be responsible for
consulting and persuading customers through email and Internet to help them realize that
with our healthy diet desserts, we can satisfy their food and weight loss needs compared to
Purchase: At this stage, the information we provide along with promotional activities
such as consultation and advertising around the customer will help them remember our
product and be ready to make a decision and purchase the product.
Post Purchase: We will have post-purchase services for customers who have used the
product, such as offering vouchers, membership registration for health monitoring, nutrition
counseling, answering questions, and updating information for customers about new products
or upgrades.
This weekly sales operation process will help our company always have a potential
customer base and long-term loyalty to the product.

c. Go to market participants ( tiếp cận các đối tượng tham gia thị trường )
Potential GTM Participants

Comparing Various GTM Alternatives

d. Face-to-face selling alternatives to market and sell your dietary products:

1. Independent Sales Agents:

- Independent sales agents are individuals or independent organizations with knowledge
and experience in marketing and sales.
- They can represent your dietary products and access target markets through their existing
networks and relationships.
- Independent sales agents typically receive commissions based on sales volume or a
prearranged fee.

2. Resellers:
- Collaborate with distributors or distribution partners to expand the reach of our products.
- Resellers can sell our dietary products through grocery stores, supermarkets, restaurants,
or directly to end customers.

3. Integrators:
- Integrators operate within the food industry and incorporate our product as part of
comprehensive solutions or products they offer to customers.
- Targets include companies or organizations that provide food solutions, such as dietary
menus for restaurants or appealing food options for hotels.

4. Alliances:
- Partner with other businesses in the food industry or related sectors to jointly market and
sell your products.
- Alliances can be an effective way to share resources and tap into potential customers.

These alternatives provide diverse avenues to market and distribute our dietary products
without relying solely on face-to-face selling. Each option has its own advantages and target
audience, allowing you to reach a broader customer base.

4. Target and Conclusion-kết luận (Loan)

-Become a major manufacturer and supplier of healthy cakes in the Vietnamese market,
opening Healthy Minimart locations.
-Make oatmeal cookies an essential product and the top choice for the weight loss and special
diet needs of target customers.
-Expand marketing reach for oatmeal cookies, increases product recognition for potential
customers, attract alliance partners and investments.
-Increases acquisition rate and retention of old customers.
-Optimize sales and distribution channels helps increase product revenue and profits for the

Building GTM is an inevitable strategy when you want to introduce a new product project to
users. It will be a solid premise to help businesses understand the needs and problems that
customers encounter. Clearly define the company's position in the market and track the
customer journey to convert them into loyal customers

GROUP 4: Assignment and contribution table

Họ và Tên MSSV Nội dung % đóng góp

Lê Ngọc Đoan Anh 2121013586 + Sale process activities 100%

+ PowerPoint

Trần Khánh Quyên 2121000174 + GTM Participants 100%

Phạm Ngọc Thảo Anh 2121003144 + Segmenting the market 100%

+ Face to face selling

Đặng Thị Kim Loan 2121000131 + Introduction 100%

+ Reason
+ Target and conclusion

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