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Taguanao, Indahag, Cagayan de Oro City

Writing 3B
Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________ Score: _______/30_________

Part 1. Identifying and reconstructing an essay

Directions: Identify the parts of an essay and rewrite the essay entitled “A Visit to the Zoo” in a proper way
of writing an essay.
A Visit to the Zoo
Today our class teacher took us to the zoo. We went to the zoo by bus. We were about twenty students on the
bus. We entered the zoo through a large gate. Our teacher guided us. We saw a lion inside a cage. We also
saw tigers, giraffes and other wild animals in a fenced area. The best experience was seeing the roar of the big
Lion face to face. Snake park was also a part of the zoo. It was a thrilling experience watching the snakes move
just like that behind the glass panes. We came back to school at 3PM. It was a plane worth to spend time with
family or big groups. (10 points) Capitalization, Neatness, Punctuations, Organization, Essay Structure.
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Part 2. My Weekly Diary

Write an essay about “The things you learned in writing this week” in 100 words. (10pts) Grammar,
Essay Structure, Capitalization, Content and Neatness.

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Part 3: Be a kind kid.

Direction: Answer the questions in a complete sentence.

1. What does it mean to be a kind kid? (1 point)


2. Why do you think being kind is important? (2 points)


3. List the several ways you have practiced being kind? (2 points)


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