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Volume 2 Level 2

The Puzzle Pack

and the Mystery of the Stupendous Star

The Puzzle Pack solve their first mystery for The Detective!
Why does this strange star keep vanishing?
Volume 2 Start

Nova was too excited to sleep last night, so she decides to get up extra early today. It’s
Saturday, which means it’s Puzzle Pack day, and she’s hoping that there will be some
new puzzles from The Detective waiting for her and her friends in their clubroom.

She eats her breakfast, gazing out of the window at the twinkling stars. She’s been
learning their names, and she thinks that she knows most of them by now. Stella told
her that on Earth you can only see the stars at night, which Nova thinks is very sad.
She thinks that stars are far too beautiful to not be seen all the time.

Calling goodbye to her family, she leaves her apartment and makes her way to the
Puzzle Pack clubroom. As hoped, there's a new message waiting for her inside...

New message received from The Detective!

Dear Puzzle Pack,

I've been investigating a strange case this week. A new star has been reported in the sky
over Mars, but it keeps vanishing!

Once it vanishes it's gone for a whole hour, appears again for another hour, then it
disappears again - it's definitely not normal. Also, I've been questioning people about where
this star actually is, but everyone has been telling me completely different things. It seems
to appear all over the sky, never staying in one place for too long!

I've been sent a mysterious clue to help me solve this case, but the clue seems to be
missing some letters. It looks like they are hidden in these four puzzles: I need you to
solve these for me so we can complete the secret sentence and use the clue to crack this
confusing case!

A vanishing star! I don't think I've heard of one of them before.

I think we just need to do what we did last time - solve the puzzles
and use them to complete the secret sentence!

Solve all four puzzles and then turn to the 'Solve It!' page to complete the secret sentence.
Good luck puzzlers!
Stella's Sudoku Puzzle 1

4 5 3 2
1 5
2 5 6 4
1 3 5
5 3 4 1

Help Stella to fill out the Sudoku!

Fill out each row, column and square (6 spaces each)

with the numbers 1-6. Some have already been filled
out for you. The same number cannot appear in the
same row, column or square twice.

(You'll need the number that's in the grey square later!)

Volume 2
Rocket's Rebus Puzzle 2


Hint: What is happening in the picture?

Help Rocket to work out what popular phrase the

picture is representing!

Here's a tip: try saying what you see out loud.


Volume 2
Nova's Nonogram Puzzle 3

1 1 1
4 1 1 1 2
0 2 1 1 1 4 0

1 1

1 1

Help Nova to reveal the letter hidden in the nonogram!

Each number on the side of each row and column

represents a group of squares to be coloured in. More
than one number, e.g. 1 1 1, means that there is a gap of
at least one blank square between each group of squares.


Volume 2
Rigel's Riddle Puzzle 4

Everyone has one, including you, but you can't touch me.

The older people get, the less people like to talk about me.

Yours only gets bigger with time.

What am I?

Hint: The Earth has had an ice, bronze and stone version of me!

Help Rigel to work out the answer to the riddle!

I am your:

Volume 2
Volume 2 Solve it!

Solve the mystery!

Follow the instructions to complete the secret sentence and reveal the clue!


1 2

3 4 5 6

Stella's Sudoku The first letter of the number in the grey square needs to go
in boxes 1 and 4.

Rocket's Rebus The first letter of the first word of the answer needs to go in
box 6.

Nova's Nonogram The letter needs to go in box 3.

Rigel's Riddle The first letter of the answer needs to go in boxes 2 and 5.

Once you've completed the secret sentence, go to the next page to read the end of the story!
Volume 2 End

Not a star? What could this mean?

Of course! Why didn't I think of it before!

Oh! Have you figured it out Nova?

Yes Rocket! The clue is right - the star isn't actually a star at all!
Actually, there's only one explanation: it must be a satellite!

Satellites can travel really quickly around a planet, and from far
away it can be hard to tell them apart from stars too!

That's right Rigel! It was never disappearing, just travelling

around to the other side of the planet out of view before coming
back around again! Just like how the moon goes around the Earth!

That would explain why no one can agree on where the star is
either, as the satellite is always moving!

The others watch Nova as she proudly types out the answer and sends the message
back to The Detective. When the friends gently close the clubroom door behind them,
they beam at each other, pleased to have solved one of the universe's many mysteries.

However, as they start to walk home, chatting happily, they don't seem to notice that
someone mysterious is watching them closely from the shadows...

You solved the mystery! See you next week for the next volume of The Puzzle Pack!
Answers Level 2

Stella's Sudoku

Rocket's Rebus Answer: Running Away

Letter: S

Nova's Nonogram

Rigel's Riddle Answer: Age

Not a star
Secret Sentence (running away)

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