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Reading and Writing Skills (Cycle 3)

Name Carpio, Angel Lyn S. Task: Major Performance Task

Yr. & Sec.: 11- St. Paul The Apostle Teacher: Ms. Princes Marga C. Mallari

The Urgent Need to Combat Climate Change.

How does climate change affect our daily lives? Everything in our lives—from the food we eat to the air we breathe—has been
heavily affected by climate change. Due to the increase in extreme weather occurrences and rising global temperatures, climate
change has emerged as one of the most urgent challenges of our day. Climate change is one of the existing and ongoing issues of
this day. In this essay, I will discuss how climate affects our lives, covering everything from the immediate consequences of
harsh weather to the indirect consequences on our economy and health and how crucial it is to act right away to lessen the effects
of climate change and stop additional harm to the environment.

Human actions are the cause of climate change. As you can see, there are many serious problems with climate change that need
attention. One of the main contributors to climate change is human usage of fossil fuels due to their large carbon content, fossil
fuels are a significant factor in climate change. They produce a lot of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses when they are
burned, trapping heat and raising temperatures. In addition, the combustion of fossil fuels emits additional pollutants like sulfur
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates, which can be harmful to the environment and human health. We must invest in
renewable energy sources and decrease our dependence on fossil fuels if we want to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Protect our oceans, the best protection against climate change is the protection of the oceans and the species that live there. By
lowering our carbon emissions, utilizing renewable energy sources, and preserving natural resources, we can protect the ocean
from the ravages of climate change. By properly disposing of our waste and using reusable items whenever possible, we can also
lower the quantity of plastic and other pollutants that are entering the ocean. Supporting organizations that strive to preserve
marine environments and species is another way we can help ocean conservation efforts. Finally, by educating others on the
science behind climate change and the significance of sustainability, we may contribute to raising awareness of the necessity of
protecting the ocean. following the rules that have been implement to reduce carbon emissions and save natural areas, we can
protect the environment. This can involve conserving natural resources, cutting back on waste, and cutting our use of plastic and
other energy sources to lessen our carbon footprint. We can also help organizations who are attempting to safeguard natural areas
and species. By educating others on the science behind climate change and the significance of sustainability, we may contribute
to raising awareness of the necessity of protecting our environment and also by lowering our carbon emissions, utilizing
renewable energy sources, and preserving natural resources, we can protect our planet from the ravages of climate change. We
may also cut back on our use of plastic and waste and donate money to organizations that defend wildlife and their habitats. By
educating others on the science behind climate change and the significance of sustainability, we can also contribute to raising
awareness of the significance of maintaining our environment. Finally, we can stand up to those who reject the validity of the
evidence behind climate change and fight to build a future that is more sustainable for all.

I believe people who are unconcerned about climate change are losing out on a great chance to transform the world. People who
ignore climate change are not only failing to protect our planet, but they are also passing up the possibility to have a good impact
on the world. Climate change is a worldwide phenomena that requires immediate action. The takeaway from this is that everyone
has a duty to fight climate change, and that doing nothing will only make the issue worse.
[Conclusion: 1 Paragraph]

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