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Class : Primary 2 CTC BIMBEL Date :

Name : _________________ Subject : Science Unit 9, 10 & 11

THI (Taman Harapan Indah ) Blok P No. 32, Jakarta Barat ,Telp. 021 46582457 , Hp.0813 1489 5685

Fill in the blanks.

1. Light needs to enter our eyes for us to ______________

2. When an object blocks ________________, its shadow is formed.

3. When there is no light, no ______________ will be formed.

4. When the egg is cooked, its show if heat can changes _______________ of

the egg.

5. Rubbing gives off _________________

6. Heat changes the size, ________________, colour and texture of things.

7. When we are far away from a sound, the sound is ________________

8. When a thing moves, it vibrates and makes a ________________

9. Some vibrations are too small to see, but they still make a


10. When we are near a sound, the sound is ______________

11. What sound are loud?

a. __________________________

b. __________________________

c. __________________________

12. What sound are soft?

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________
13. What are ways to make heat?

a. ________________________

b. ________________________

14. What changes can heat make?



15. How is a shadow formed?





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