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A senior essay submitted to department of civics and ethical studies for the partial fulfillment of
the requirement for bachelor of art degree (BA) in civics and ethical studies

Prepared by




HABTAMU B Arba Minch: Ethiopia


First of All, I would like to thanks God for giving me strength and potential to accomplish this
study. Secondly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to my advisor Habtamu who devoted
his time in advising and commenting the whole work of this paper. The third of all my special
thank you to my Father Wubet Atinafu and my Mother Bitewush Damtew and relatively who
support me financial and morally throughout my school life. Finally, I would like to say thanks
to the Arba Minch town administration worker and Arba Minch town administration employee
for their genuine information.


This study focused on the role of local government in poverty reduction in Arba Minch town
administration. The purpose of this study is to assess the role of local government in poverty
reduction in Arba Minch town. The study was conducted by using primary and secondary source
of data through interview and document analysis sample six individual employed were selected.
A purposive or judgment sampling techniques was used sample respondents. The data were
analysis used explanation of by statement methods. The finding of this study is to reduce poverty
in Arba Minch town through the role that has to be played by the town government. To Reduce
poverty the local government has to do the following; Reduction of unemployment rate, to solve
financial problem, creates of job opportunist improvement of living standards of the community
to create stable environment for town dweller and to create awareness of the community.
However local government has the great role reduction poverty were undertaken in the study
areas. Finally, the researcher put conclusion and recommendation based on relevant findings.


• ADLI =Agricultural lead to industrialization

• APP =Annual progress report

• FDRE=Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

• MDG= Millennium Deployment Goal

• SDPRP=Sustainable Development and poverty Reduction Program

• UNDP=United Nation Development Program


Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................

Abstract .....................................................................................................................................

Agronomy ..................................................................................................................................

Chapter one

1.back ground of the study ......................................................................................................

1.1. introduction ........................................................................................................................

1.2. statement of the problem .................................................................................................

1.3. objective of the study .......................................................................................................

1.3.1. General objective ..........................................................................................................

1.3.2. Specific objective .........................................................................................................

1.4. Research question ...........................................................................................................

1.5. Significant of the study ....................................................................................................

1.6. Scope of the study .............................................................................................................

1.7. Limitation of the study .....................................................................................................

1.8. Organization of the paper ................................................................................................

1.9. Ethical consideration ........................................................................................................

Chapter two
2.Review of related literature ..................................................................................................

2.1. The concept of poverty .....................................................................................................

2.2. The role of local government in poverty reduction ..........................................................

2.3. Ethiopian poverty reduction strategy ................................................................................

2.3.1. Adli and food security .....................................................................................................

2.3.2. justice system and civil service reform ........................................................................

2.3.3. governance, decentralization and employment ...........................................................

2.3.4. capacity building ..............................................................................................................

Chapter Three

3.Methodology and method of data collection ........................................................................

3.1. Description of the study area ..............................................................................................

3.2. Research design ...................................................................................................................

3.3. Source of data.......................................................................................................................

3.3.1. Primary source of data......................................................................................................

3.3.2. Secondary source of data...............................................................................................

3.4. Data collection tool ............................................................................................................

3.5. Target population ...............................................................................................................

3.6. Sample technique ..............................................................................................................

3.7.Sample size................................................................................................................................
A government is the system or group of people governing an organized community. In the
common wealth of nation, the word government is also used more narrowly to refer the
collective group of people that executive’s authority in a state analogue to what is called an
“administration” (Macquarie, dictionary 2014). Local government has many different function or
responsibilities for local authorities driven initiative that contribute to extending freedom to
poorer community, development is the process of the expanding human freedom, there are five
interrelated freedom, political freedom, economic facilities social opportunities transparency and
security, (Amarthaya sen). Local government is of public authorities that citizens book to solve
their immediate social problems (Agagu,1997) conceive the local government as government for
meeting peculiar needs the people. And the institutions of local government vary greatly between
country and common names for local government entities, including state, province, region,
department, bound, prefecture, district, town, township, town, brought parish, municipalities,
shire, district village, and local services district, (Heywood,2002:166).
Local government have responsibilities to reduce poverty in different ways. For instance,
improving access to clean water, and sanitation service, the economy will continue to grow and
eliminate poverty in the country. In fact, poverty can be understood both relatively and absolute
term poverty is relatively term in the since it exists in every country, weather developed or under
developed you may think at your as poor by comparing yourself with those who are rich. In this
regard we can find millions poor people even in most developed countries, such as USA and the
Europe countries. ( joint response social 2004). However, most of economic poor people
even in developed countries have better access to good, services and receive in come even
greater than the average person’s Africa and Asia, (Kenneth, Kipnis and Diana,
Makers ,1985:43). On the other hand, absolute poverty refers to the situation in person have
nothing barely little to feed themselves and their families, exposed to inadequate shelter and
detrained conditions of health”, (Ibid). people living in absolute poverty receive very amount of
income annually implies extreme deprivation. “Because of it multidimensional nature, poverty
has no a single case on the contrary, combination several complex factors contribute to poverty
“Howard what and Jank,killick 2002:27).For example in Africa poverty is caused bit multiple
factors include as political instabilities ,frequent, conflict and civil war, weather
government ,harvest failure etc.(Kemple R.Hope 2008).The key feature of Africa poverty poor
record of economic growth ,in income and ownership, inadequate access to basic social services
which result low level of human resource development and agricultural productivity (Ibid).
Among Africa poor country Ethiopian had one of the highest poverty rates in the world,
household have experienced decades of remarkable programs in the well-being the country has
seen a 33% in the share of population living in poverty, World bank 2000). The country had
faced droughts and famine throughout along history (Ibid). The government of Ethiopia begins
different police and strategies to reducing poverty, like sustainable development and poverty
reduction policy (SDPRP), millennium development goals (MDGs), and poverty reduction
strategy paper (PRSP).


According to the Sheldon, Danziger (2008, 29), poverty leads people vulnerable to famine,
death, civil war disturbance, hopelessness and alleviation passivity. Local government is critical
for poverty reduction, and have a natural advantage in knowing and understanding the need and
resource of their own territories and so they can provide better local public goods to meet the
demands of their population. It results poor accessibility of basic social services including
education, health care role etc. Poverty makes people to on productive and poor physical growth
as well as high level of in quality and exposure to different risk. Even though the degree varies
poverty is found every in one of the biggest problems in our time for the large part of the world
population. Since the beginning of the 1990 more attention has been drawing on combating
poverty than before. Thus, poverty reduction has been a major goals of development policy,
programs, project, and it has become a major concern of all government and donor (Michael and
Smith; 2006). It is undeniable fact that Ethiopia has been named as symbols as poverty by the
western though. The ground of the fact to witness that Ethiopia is truly the least developing
countries in the world. Among those population above 80 million (2008) peoples 35 million
peoples are living in abject poverty were about 44% of the population under the poverty lines
more than 12 million people are chronically or least periodical food in security (world bank
2010). Ethiopia people are living in shanty home, poor education and health service. Low
income and consumption level, poor environment of business opportunities.
(TeggneGobereEgziabher,2010). And whose people are facing low level of living condition
characterized by inadequate house, low income performance and consumption, high level of in
equality, high infant mortality rate, and low life expectance (Kemper, hope2008;3). To minimize
those problems today the government of Ethiopia works making poverty reduction as its the
development activities those government begin different policy and strategies to addressed the
problems: FDRE minister of finance and economic development document sustainable
development poverty reduction (2002).agricultural leads to industrialization(ADLI), capacity
building public and private sector, justice and civil service reform, decentralization and
empowerment, expanding micro and small scale enterprise. In spite of these policies and the
government efforts the problem of poverty is still very high in Ethiopia. However, many research
has been conducted on the role of local government in poverty reduction in Ethiopia but no study
has done on this the study area. This research really identified the poverty of Arba Minch town
and recommend some solution of these poverty. Generally, there is no any exact and accurate
study conducted previously under the issue of in the role of local government in the poverty
reduction in the study area. Therefore, the study is very important to reduce the poverty of the
study area by consulting the government as to have role to reduce such problem.


The overall objective of this study is to assess the role of local government in poverty reduction
in Arba Minch town.
 To identify the current situation of Arba Minch town administration in poverty reduction.
 To examine the role of the government in poverty reduction in Arba Minch town.
 To suggest possible recommendation on how to improve poverty reduction strategies in
the study area

 What is the current situation of Arba Minch town administration in poverty reduction?

 What is the role of the government in poverty reduction in Arba Minch town?

 What is the possible recommendation on how to improve poverty reduction strategies

in the study area?


This study has many contributions including: to identify possible solution for the problem, use
for policy formulation and to identify the major role of poverty reduction in the study area, to
know the strength and weakness of role of local government in poverty reduction and it can serve
as a reference for policy maker and for another researcher. Not only as mentioned above but also
there are a lot of significance for this research, these are, to formulate the appropriate policies
formulation for the poverty reduction, to be mechanism of poverty escaping for those who found
under poverty line.


The study has delimited to assess the role of local government in poverty reduction in Arba
Minch town administration.


The paper organization in to five chapter; chapter one introduction, background of the study,
statement of the problem, objective of the study, significant of the study, scope of the study,
chapter two, review literature, chapter three, methodology of the study, chapter four, data
analysis and presentation, and chapter five conclusion and recommendation.



The concept of poverty developed below is restricted both in the sense that any specific concept
must be restrictive and, in the sense, that it excludes from consideration many sociological,
political, psychological and physical ill that are weakly or strong associated with poverty. This
does not indicate a presumption that these goals are unimportant, what is does indicates is the
presumption that poverty is a specific ill in itself; that poor people, rile they share many other
problem with the non-poor , are unique in having a relative shortage of good and service at their,
and that finally poverty inherent ,injustice and for its fall out effect one related problem and will
be eliminating more promptly by policy that are aimed at compact rather than diffuse
target(Harold W.watte).Defining poverty is difficult ‘ poverty many meanings different for
different people .As a literature evidence ,there are variation among scholars with regarded to
the meaning of poverty .Thus there is no complete agreement among scholars over the meaning
of poverty (Todaro, Michal and Stephen Smith 2003).Most of economist tend to define poverty
in terms of economic aspect ,sociologist in the other hand define it primarily in terms of social
aspect and political scientist would define it in terms of political aspect. The indicates that
poverty is multi dimension in which include economic, social and political aspect of human life
(Ibid). According to united nation 1991 poverty is “the inability of getting chooses and
opportunity and violence of human dignity” united nation 2015. Poverty means a lack of basic
capacity to participate effectively in society, not having enough to feed ,clothe a family ,not
having school and clinic to go to, not having the hand on which to grow ones food and to earns
one having susceptibility to violence and living in fragile environment without access of public
service (Ibid).World bank 1998 decline poverty as “the inability to meet basic need, such as food
,cloth ,shelter health care, education, violence of human right and lack of participation in society
“(World bank1998) .poverty is generally scar town ,death or the state of one who lacks a certain
amount of material possession or money ,it is multi faced concept which includes social,
economic and political element.

Poverty alleviation cannot be successful addressed. Unless local government is committed to it

local government has a direct and vital role in poverty reduction through a variety of channels
(George, Psacharo, Povle and Xuanmguyen 1997:1). The most direct channels are vital its
impact on service delivery. The local government the tier of public authority that citizen lock to
solve their immediate social problem. Poverty reduction depends most importantly inequality
and accessibility to poor people of basic education, healthy, potable water and other social
infrastructure and social service including political and legal security (Ibid). Local government
as crucial role for creating employment opportunity and rising the economy generally. Local
government has an important role in poverty reduction for the following reason. It provides
public goods the poor emerges employment other opportunity, it brings the externality gap and
aid to the poor local authority, driven indicative that contribute to extending this freedom to
poorer communities, marginalized group and other slum dweller (Whose access to these freedom
and right is generally curtained by depriving them of the opportunity they need to pursue their
own self-improvement will empower them to achieve economic security and social inclusion.
Such as initiative contribute significantly to improving their lives). They including

 Instituting participatory Aruban process that give a voice decision making to poor and
marginalized population.
 Partnering with community, community-based organization (CBOS) and non-
governmental organization (NGO) including advocacy on community-based initiatives.
 Providing access to land including regularization, infrastructure and urban service.
 Initiating integrated program for the improvement of the urban environment.
 Supporting the development of small business and micro enterprise.
 Fostering citizenship and social inclusion.
 Collaborating with foundation and philanthropic organization on social project’
 Alleviation the hardship endured by poor and marginalized population.
 Initiating special program to reach vulnerable group.
 Decentralization has allowed municipality to act directly on a wide range of issue.
Democratic local government has enabled them to institutionalized participatory process,
negotiate parent ship agreement to counter deprivation or exclusion, develop instrument
to target and reach the area of greatest need, and launch range of initiative to foster social
inclusion (Mona 2006).


As explained before by any standard the majority of the people in Ethiopia are among the poorest
in the world. To the overcome these problems the FDRE government had designed different
policy and strategies and the problem. The sustainable development and poverty reduction
program (SDPRP) is currently the most important policy frame work for Ethiopia (reamer)
Buckley and Giuseppe 2006:273. The SDPR was completed in 2002. In 2003 the government
issued a first annual progress report (APR). The overall objective of SDPRP is the three-fold.

 To develop the economy rapidly

 To make Ethiopian independent of food aid and
 To ensure the poor are the main beneficiaries of economic growth

The Ethiopia sustainable development and poverty reduction paper (SDPRP) identify for
building block its realization namely the strategy of agricultural development leads to
industrialization (ADLI). Justice system and civil service reform, decentralization and
empowerment and capacity building in public and private sector (Ibid).


The existing reality in Ethiopia shows that, there is a critical shortage of capital, large number of
labor force. Thus ADLI is poverty reduction strategy which emphasized the need for giving
priority to the development of agricultural fundamental base for industrialization for Ethiopia.
ADLI look agriculture as the prime for linkages in economic growth, surplus generation, market
creation provision of raw material and generation of foreign exchange therefore, extensive use of
man power and intensive use of and resource are expected to market significant contribution to
growth and capital (Ibid, 274). ADLI is seen as a long-term strategy to achieve faster growth and
economic development by making use of technology that are labor using, but land augmenting.
Such as fertilizer and improve seed and other cultural practice. During the first stage of ADLI,
agriculture is to play a leading role in the growth of the economy. But the extremely small ratio
of urbanization of the country threatens to make inadequate of domestic demand a critical
constraint. This implies that agriculture has to be made internationally competitive and that part
of production has to be oriented toward export. (FDRE, MOFED, 2002). For agriculture to
continue serving as an engine of growth in the coming years, thought the domestic economy and
international trade, there has to be progress in term of commercialization with move intensive
farming increasing proportion of marketable output and correspondingly decreasing ratio of
production for own consumption. Aside from depending technological progress it will mean
greater market interaction on the part of the farmer. Extension of credit to the small farmer will
gain important with commercialization of agriculture and give impetus to establish of rural
banks. Cooperative plays important roles in facilitating input and output marketing as well as in
promoting the provision of rural finance. The problem of food security and agricultural growth in
pastoral area is being conceived in terms of the development of the pastoral economy in its
entirety unless industries (Secondary –modern good product sector) and service (territory
distributive and other service) grow in conjunction with agriculture (Primary –agriculture and
allied activities) it is not possible to insure accelerated growth and sustainable development. In
an agrarian economy such as Ethiopia, the resource for the development of the industrial sector
needs to be generated via primary creating strong bondages between agriculture and industry and
subsequently exploiting this linkage via concerted effort of non-state actor particularly the non-
peasant private sector. The federal government in collaboration with region will work hard to
allocate land for commercial farming. Make sure that there are adequate infrastructure facilities
and stream line and make efficient land lease procedures for entrepreneurs who wish to setup
large scale commercial farms for those who want to rent land from farmer and take part in
agricultural activities the federal government, again in collaboration with the region. Will work
out an efficient arrangement which will safeguard the interests of all part for concerned.


The government of Ethiopia embarked on comprehensive justice and civil service reform
program in 1996 which sought to build a fire, transparent, efficient, effective and ethical civic
service primary by focusing on institutional strengthening of public sector (Ibid). Cognizant of
the urgent need to address the wide array of capacity constraints that hindered the performance
of public institution in Ethiopia, the government embarked on a comprehensive civil service
reform program (CSRP) in 1996, inductive of Ethiopia ‘’first generation capacity building
efforts, the CSRP sought to build any fair transparent, efficient, effective and ethical civic
service primarily by focusing on strengthening. Core technologic system with in public sector of
greatest important now are the second-generation reform key role for the government in this
‘’full implementation phase ‘’of CSRP will be to ensure a regional and woreda level focus
maintain strong coordination across lines minister and tiers of government provided clear
intensive for behavioral change among civic servant and established and bench marks against
which to measure impact (FDRE, MOFED 2002)

2.3.3 Governance, decentralization and empowerment

Decentralization is an outcome of adoption of a federal system of government of

Ethiopia. With the devolution of power, the regional government implementation of economic
policy and development program is shifting to a large extent from the center to the region. The
application of the fiscal ensures a single system of taxation allows some revenue collection by
the region and some revenue sharing with the federal government while putting the majority of
the revenue under the central authority provide budgetary subvention to the region and grant the
regions full autonomy in budgetary. By way of depending and brooding the decentralization
process major are currently under the way to pave the ground to render district or woreda the
center to socio-economic development. By way ensuring their autonomy on resource, it is
already planned to effect block grants directly district or woreda. This will provide a base for
meaning full participation by the people in local development program. Typically, this will
initially primary education, primary health care, rural water supply, rural road and agricultural
extension. Other activity such as small-scale irrigation, market infrastructure and cottage
industry could be including depending on finance capacity building and private investment. As a
government seek to implement the decentralization efforts in relatively short period of time. It
faces immense fiscal institutional role. Generally, equality will continue to emphasize in the
process of decentralization and empowerment. To be sustainable this wave of democratic
decentralization will require a systematic approach to developing enabling. Legislation for a
local government with in region including demarcation of financing viable local jurisdiction and
the harmonization of various form of local government including woreda and municipality. The
establishment the new capacity building minister is one testimony for the government’s
commitment to future depends the decentralization process. Decentralization will also depend on
the strengthening the capacity of community and civil society group to federate and more
effectively take advantage of the opportunity for voice that decentralization afford. Finally, ones
capacitated and re structured local government will require fiscal support to build their capital
stock continent with their service delivery investment need. Besides the devolution to woreda
and kebele which are instrument for depending and strengthening democratic and good
governance in Ethiopia, the government will give priority to strengthening democratic
institution, strengthening the council of people representative and operationalization the
ombudsman and Human right commission are priority actions (FDRE, MOFDE, 2002).


Aspects of capacity building are envisaged to embrace program that address the development of
human resource, strengthening of institution and establishment of effective working practice.
The capacity building program can be effective if it can apply participatory approach that involve
the beneficiary institution and the under-privilege poor. Training of farmer, supporting micro-
financial institution of private and public sector organization involve in the development
agriculture and education. In order increase involves in the stock of trained manpower’s are
some of the important activities envisaged in the program. The government in Decentralization is
an outcome of adoption of a federal system of government of Ethiopia. With the devolution of
power, the regional government implementation of economic policy and development program is
shifting to a large extent from the center to the region. The application of the fiscal ensures a
single system of taxation allows some revenue collection by the region and some revenue sharing
with the federal government while putting the majority of the revenue under the central authority
provide budgetary subvention to the region and grant the regions full autonomy in budgetary. By
way of depending and brooding the decentralization process major are currently under the way to
pave the ground to render district or woreda the center to socio-economic development. By way
ensuring their autonomy on resource, it is already planned to effect block grants directly district
or woreda. This will provide a base for meaning full participation by the people in local
development program. Typically, this wills initially primary education, primary health care, rural
water supply, rural road and agricultural extension. Other activity such as small-scale irrigation,
market infrastructure and cottage industry could be including depending on finance capacity
building and private investment. As a government seek to implement the decentralization efforts
in relatively short period of time. It faces immense fiscal institutional role. Generally, equality
will continue to emphasize in the process of decentralization and empowerment. To be
sustainable this wave of democratic decentralization will require a systematic approach to
developing enabling. Legislation for a local government with in region including re demarcation
of financing viable local jurisdiction and the harmonization of various form of local government
including woreda and municipality. The establishment the new capacity building minister is one
testimony for the government’s commitment to future depends the decentralization process.
Decentralization will also depend on the strengthening the capacity of community and civil
society group to federate and more effectively take advantage of the opportunity for voice that
decentralization afford. Finally, ones capacitated and re structured local government will require
fiscal support to build their capital stock continent with their service delivery investment need.
Besides the devolution to woreda and kebele which are instrument for depending and
strengthening democratic and good governance in Ethiopia, the government will give priority to
strengthening democratic institution, strengthening the council of people representative and
operationalization the ombudsman and Human right commission are priority actions (FDRE,
MOFDE, 2002).

This research is conduct thought qualitative method by describing phenomena. Thus, it is an

apply research because of the research aims is studding the role play by the Arba Minch town
administration fighting against poverty.



This study was carried out in Arba Minch town. Arba Minch town is a city and separated
wereda in southern Ethiopia; the first common name for this city was Ganta Garo. Located
in Gamo zone, of the South Nation, Nationalities and Peoples Region about 500 kms of
South of Addis Ababa, at an elevation of 1285 meters above sea level. It is the largest town
in SNNPR next to Hawassa. It is surrounded by Arba Minch Zuria Wereda and the most
resourceful Zone in southern region including two large lakes (Abaya and Chamo), more
than 40 springs and Nechisar National Park with its famous crocodile’s market. The area
produces several fruits including banana, apples, mango and avocado. etc.


In this study descriptive method of research was employed in order to address the research
objective concerned to the role of local government in poverty reduction on the study area. The
descriptive methods chosen because of it enable to the researcher to gather data of descriptive
events which collect from the interview by using certain research techniques. The main purpose
of descriptive research is description of the exiting present condition.


For this study both primary and secondary source of data were used to gather information from
the official employs.

3.3.1. Primary data

Primary source of data employed to gather First-hand information to achieve the objects of the
research. The primarily source of data collected from the respondents through questionnaire and
interviews. The questionaries’ prepared for participants which had enough information about the
issues of poverty reduction and helped to get necessary information about poverty reduction.
3.3.2. Secondary data
Secondary source of data was collected through review of related literature includes, official
report, documentary material, book, journal, and necessary websites.


The researcher used both interview and questionnaires.

3.5.1 Interview

The primary data were gathered from participants through face-to-face interview by openly
questions. The researcher was select structural interview because there is direct interaction
between researcher and the participant. It is essential to make deep interview. It also other reason
of interview more appropriate for complex situation, the participant clearly understanding the
questions and other reason exist.

3.5.2 Questionnaires

A questionnaire is a device consisting of series of questions dealing with some psychological,

social, and educational topics sent or given to an individual or group of individuals with the
objective obtain data with regard to some problem under investigation. The researcher the reason
for it is the instrument of by which information is obtained from respondents in written form
because it is unchangeable. Addition of this less expensive, quick results, stable and uniform.

The study was specifically conducted in some selected area in Arba Minch town. That
participant in the role local government in the poverty reduction in Arba Minch town of one
kebeles within the total kebeles of 11. The researcher selected from all kebeles and through
simple random sampling. This is because the local government poverty reduction in Arba Minch
town is exercise all most in a similar manner across the study area.


The sampling technique that the researcher used to select the participant for this study through
one of the non-probability sampling techniques which was purposive or judgmental sampling
techniques. The rationalities a behind using this technique is based up on the variety of criteria
which may include experience, capacity responsibilities and who have the ability to provide the
researcher with relevant information and the researcher take the representative of those who have
adequate information about the issue of the role of local government in poverty reduction.


To identify the respondent of the study, the researcher used non probability sampling technique.
Because of the number of populations under the study is large and the researcher would not able
to give chance for all population. This means population lives in the town in large, it is
impossible to take information from all of them. So, the researcher selected the followings key
informants about the phenomenal being studied. This enables the researcher to obtain adequate
information from those selected key informants. As a result, key informants would be selected by
a researcher from Arba Minch town municipal officers (10), micro and small-scale enterprise
officers (15) and administrative officials (10).


In general, there are two methods of data analysis those are qualitative and quantitative of data
analysis but the researcher used qualitative methods of data analysis. In addition to this the
qualitative data is present in descriptive and explanation by statement method of data analysis in
the participant.


The purpose of this study is to assess the role local government in poverty reduction Arba Minch
town administration. To carry out this study the researcher uses different techniques to obtain
data. The interview process was collected with purposive sampling by considering the level of
respondent capacity. Generally, this chapter comprise with the presentation and analysis of six
basic issues. The first one poverty reduction strategies of Arba Minch town administration on the
main achievement of Arba Minch town administration on the creation of job opportunity and
poverty reduction, the town administration encountered problem or role in its poverty reduction,
the town administration have enough resource like budget and train man power and implement
poverty reduction strategy, the role of town administration to fighting against poverty reduction,
the change of government or coordinate small scale enterprise poverty reduction and includes
other questions.


4.1.1 The role of local government in Poverty reduction in Arba Minch town

According to official to Arba Minch town administration expressed currently engaged in work in
hard, towards implementing strategy for poverty reduction in the town in the line with national
poverty reduction strategy designed by FDRE according to them. The following are poverty
reduction strategy designed by Arba Minch town administration ;Expanding technical and
vocational training enterprise, resolving infrastructure problem of the town, collecting
unemployment person, then organizing them with their job interest, create awareness un
employed person about how to use new technology and increasing productivities, making
awareness creation campaigns and providing training to the youth to develop their hard working
culture, providing continuous training to enhance saving habits the community, encourage
participatory process like transparency and accountability in governance, promoting involvement
of private sector and civil society in all sphere of local authority, create strong relationship
between central and local government, direct involvement town administration in health care,
educational training and other social service depending on the degree of decentralization of
delivery of service each societies ,enhance economic opportunities ,training employing local
entrepreneurs, expanding micro and small scale enterprise etc. According to the head of the town
micro and small-scale enterprise office explanation Arba Minch town administration come up
with institutionalized approach to mitigate the problems of poverty and unemployment partial
declines. Today Arba Minch town micro and small-scale enterprise has important role in poverty
reduction and creation of employment opportunities and income earring. According to the head
of municipal explanation to give different assistance for unemployment, credit budget supply and
working place.

According to the interview the head of municipality and the head of micro and small-scale
enterprise office the first sector to fighting against poverty by municipality and town
administration. Accordingly, the municipality’s major responsibilities are to creates different
opportunities for the town dweller and unemployed like to give them loan, creates of market
coordination other companies, prepared market place, fulfill social service like road, water
supply, electric town, healthcare, transportation and communication. The first work of
municipality and town administration organizing unemployed, give house for homeless society,
give working place for entrepreneurs and give technical training for illiteracy person and create
awareness for community etc.

4.1.2 The main achievement of Arba Minch town administration of the creation job
opportunity and poverty reduction.

Base capable of generating employment opportunities so unemployment rate partially declines.

However presently according to the head of micro and small-scale enterprise office responses
concerned two officials in Arba Minch town administration interviews the municipality and
micro and small-scale enterprise one from each office. According to the interview official and
document the town administration annual report 2016 to 2017 poverty rate in the town partially
declines. According to micro small-scale enterprise development office report 2017 from the
total unemployed about 1200 of Arba Minch town residents are employed in both sexes in
different age groups. According to the head of micro and small-scale enterprise office report
today town administration is working highly for the creation of diversified economic from the
total unemployed 1995 town resident is unemployment. This indicates the existence some
improvement regarding the un employment condition. According to the town administration
more practice to give technical and vocational program for the community or stakeholders.
According to the head of micro and small-scale enterprises office explanation more focused
create awareness for the community, how to save money and how to accumulate money for the
future life. According to the head of municipality office explanation create awareness of hard-
working habits and how to reduce expenditure for the community as the whole. The head of
municipal office responses, improvement of in the provision public services like education,
water, electric town, road, health services, market place and loan etc. Promoting private sectors,
support small and medium enterprise, support local tourism by develop local tourism sites and
improving security, support local ownership and community involvement local leadership and
joint decision making, properly use of local resource and maximizing opportunities, encourage
the formation new enterprise, and equitable access of land more equitable distribution of income
widespread environmental health nutrition and house in greatly opportunity for individuals etc.

4.1.3 Does the town administration have enough resource like budget and trained man
power implement poverty reduction strategies

According to the head of the municipality response there is not enough resource like budget
and trained man power. I asked why the reason lack of lack budget? The head express the reason
lack of budget; government spending more than it collect in tax or tax revenues are low
expenditure are high, high level of tax avoidance and tax evasion, high level of income and
health in quality, shortage of food and financial product, foreign debt, rising food prices, fast
growing population rate, population increase and fixed cost are divided among more household
the results of economic fiscal will mean lower per unit cost etc. The head of the municipal
administration explain that the society affected by lack of fast response for their question due to
unskillful employees insufficient man power. But the sectors were not fulfilling the required
number of employees, although the sector is unable to give appropriate answer for their question
of the society that necessary for the resident due to lack of budge as a result of town
administration is weakness. In addition to lack of trained man power lead to employee engage in
overtime and overload in their activities. Therefore, lack of trained man power and skillful
employees in the office the role of municipal administration.
4.1.4 The role of town administration to fighting against poverty.

According to the respondent the town administration the major roles and responsibility to reduce
poverty. The town administration mostly important in quality and accessibility to poor people of
basic need like education, healthy potable water, and other social service, and infrastructural
service including police and legal security. Town administration has an important role in poverty
reduction for the following reason. It provides pubic goods to the poor emerges employment
other opportunities, it bridges the externalities gaps and aid to the poor. The head of municipality
explains town administration as a crucial role for creating employment opportunities and raising
the economy. Supporting the development of small business and micro enterprise, providing
access to land (including regularization), infrastructure, and urban services, create conductive
environment that enable to economic growth, minimizing conflict, avoiding political instability,
protection of property right, manage public expenditure effectively and efficiently and introduce
and implementing good policy alternative, ensuring personal security etc. The head of
municipality and micro and small-scale enterprise office response the status of poverty not only
but partially minimizes. The head municipality and micro and small-scale enterprise office
explained both male and female equal participate different job opportunities for reduce poverty
and increasing per capital incomes.

4.1.5 The change of the government integrated or coordinates small scale enterprise
poverty reduction.

According to the municipality and small scale enterprise office explanation, the sector has played
or the government to get the following solution to reduce the rate of unemployment and poverty
in ARBA MINCH town ;it particularly reduce the number of unemployed youth of the town, to
create or provided job opportunities for the people, it brought about changes of outlook among
the youths towards creating means of livelihood for self's instead of expecting the government to
provide joint them ,it improved the living standards of too many residents, it highly reduce the
town's social problems like theft unemployment and conflict situation, it reduce health problems,
to reduce the problems basics infrastructures, to creates different job opportunities for individual
and groups, expanding small scale enterprise



Generally speaking, poverty means lack of basic capacity to participate effectively in society, no
enough to feed family, not have school and clinic to go to, and not enough incomes. Poverty is
inability to meet basic needs, such as food, cloth, shelter, healthcare, and education, violence of
human right and lack of participation in the society. It affected sense of freedom and leads to the
situation dependent on other peoples. Low productivities and large creation of independent
population enter affects the economic development of the country. Arba Minch town in generally
(focused of the study), in particular the major factor or hinder poverty reduction; financial
problems, limited access to technology, lack of basic infrastructure. Considering the problems
imposed on the development and to building democracy as result of poverty. Arba Minch town
administration design strategy that reduce the rate of poverty in the town. The strategies are;
expanding and promoting micro and small-scale business activities, expanding technical and
vocational training center and solving the structural problems etc. The main achievement of town
administration is; improves the provision of build services like education, water, electric town,
transportation and improving of security. The town administration has not enough resource like
budget and trained man powers: the government spending more than it collects of tax or tax
revenues are low expenditure high. The role of the town administration to fighting against
poverty; supports of the development of small business origination, provides public good to the
poor emerge employment opportunities and particularly reduce the number of unemployed
youths of the town.


Poverty is one of the biggest socio-economic problems that prevailed in the cities and town of
Ethiopia in general and in Arba Minch town particular. Based on the above findings the
researcher recommends the following

 The Arba Minch town administration should be work cooperatively with other sector to
implement poverty reduction strategies properly.
 The local government should have to give awareness to the community relatively on the
way of poverty reduction.
 They have to grouping peoples at the community levels on the activity helps for the
poverty reduction.
 The local government have to apply the problems of the communities under the poverty
to the higher authorities.
 The Arba Minch town administration should be give attention in under taking continuous
awareness creation campaign among the community regarding the multidimensional
problem of poverty.
 The Arba Minch town administration creation favorable condition private and public
investments Para amount of importance. It creates job opportunities for unemployment.
 Social workers and policy makers tend to support community-based poverty reduction,
interventions designed to change the behavior of individual in order to escape from the
 Seriously attempts should be made by the town administration of avoiding backwardness
societal out looks regarding activities hand crafts.
 Arba Minch town administration should promote their culture of industriousness.
 Arba Minch town administration should create awareness properly use of natural
resource and time.
 The town administration expansion micro and small-scale enterprise

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Dear respondent

The main objective of this interview questioner is to study the role of local government in
poverty reduction and also problem or role in poverty reduction strategies in Negele Borena town
municipality and micro and small-scale enterprise office. As well as the impartial fulfillment for
the requirement of BA degree civic and ethics in Mettu university 2013 EC. Dear respondent you
are kindly asked to contribute to research because of your participation is mandatory for the
completion of study.

1 What is the current role of Negele borena town administration in the poverty reduction

2 What is the effectiveness of Negele Borena town in poverty reduction in the


3 What are the change of government for integrated or coordinate small scale enterprise to
poverty reduction………………………………………………………………………..

4 Does the town administration encountered problems or role in it poverty reduction effort? If
your answer is yes list them ……………………………………………………………

5 Does the town administration have enough resource like budget and trained man power
implement poverty reduction strategies? If your answer is yes list

6 What are the roles of town administration to fighting against in poverty

reduction? ...............................................................................................................................

7 Does the town administration create awareness to the disadvantage of poverty for the society?
If your answer is yes list them…………………………………………………………………

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