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Cadillo, Jonathan Bombonati. Stefania

Lima, 28 de febrero del 2023

Dear Mr Smith,

I am writing to apply for the job of administrative assistant in your company. My name is

Bombonati Stefania, I´m 32 years old. I am studying the university career of administration of

banking and finances at the Technological University of Peru. Before I finished the

professional advertising career.

I have different work experiences. I have worked as a publicist in the CEO company, for 4

years. Then I worked as an administrative assistant at the educational company Prolog, for 2


My goal is to be in a company where I can have a career and growth. One of my ambitions

in life is to work in the Google team, as an administrator.

I have a healthy lifestyle, I do sports, I eat healthy food and my hobby are reading and going

to the cinema.

Thank you for your attention, I will be waiting for your response.

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