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1/ What Kinds of movies de you like 

I like family, Adventure and historical films –movies- that tell about ancient civilization and
peoples, and some films science fiction.
2/ What are some good movies that you’ve seen ?
I have seen the movies 300, which tells the story of the Roman Empire, and I have seen the movie I
Am Legend is a American Film, of the famous Actor Will Smith, and i have seen the story of the famous
Actor Morgan Freeman in the Film Invictus, is a Biographical sport drama film, where is the story of
the President Mandela presented… and many are the beautiful movies that I watched…
3/ Do you think there is too much violence on TV and in movies?
At the present time, in which live, TV an movies is trying to combat the phenomenon of violence,
but modern technology and the many types of videos games that incite violence hinder these preventives
4/ Should movies be classified * this means that children won’t be allowed to watch some
movies that contain violence, sexual, themes, etc.
Yes, of absolutely… parents should prevent their children from watching these movies, because it
negatively affects their morals in society…
5/ what kinds of books do you like.
I love reading scientific books, stories and encyclopedias that help me learn and discover..
6/ should books be censored.
Yes, of course, books must be monitored and all rights reserved to the author to ensure their
correctness to publish correct information free of errors.
7/ what fun things can people do for 0.00$
Meeting family members and friends at celebrations and happy occasions, going out with their
children to public parks for a walk, going to the public library to read books…
8/ what do you do in your spare time
In general, in my spare time, I like browsing newspapers and magazines to find out the latest news
and world events, or watching some football matches. I also like to cook and help my wife cook food and
10/ what kind of music does you like.
At the moment, I don't listen to music much, but I like to listen to classical music, beautiful, calm
songs with meaningful lyrics... like a American band Ember Trio, Something that I like about them is the
transformation of the songs of the moment into melodies that are heard very well, at the same time they
give them their particular style, I really loved it…
13/ what do you think about soap operas..
I don't like series very much, because it takes a lot of time to watch them, but on holidays I watch
some of them, which do not contain many episodes because they become boring... I recently watched a
Hippocrate Serie de TV, Where is the story set when the approved quarantine in a public hospital
in Paris forces three young residents and a coroner to take charge of the centre?

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