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Discuss these questions NI(HLII a partner.

1. Why do people live in cities?

2. What are some of the world's most important cities? Why are they important?
3. In your opinion, which is the best city in your country
r , .
? Which is the
worst city to live in? Why?
m. In 1 @Q, only ~nsakyin -theworld had more than Inrnlllion ~eapls-New Yak.
tbsw 2g30, BU p g m ~ nof t &e wortd?~ ppop>uItfonwill lbe In cities.
Many residents d large ur&n areas will face problems with
houJng , p~lluliwn(for m p l e , , of theair and wat~r),
and ouime.
- - -

A In 2015, there will

be 21 cttes wrth
a populatton oi 0Befbfe You ~ e a d
ian millio~ior more,
A. Discussion. Study the map and the information.
Then answer the questinns maw.
'7, L

1. What was the first city to have a population of-mrethan ten millkn?
2. En 2015, how many cities will have tan million people or mar@?
Where will most of these cities be? What will be three of the large~tcities?
3. What issues will people in these large cities face?

B. Predict. What can we do about the problems sf City life? Llst two ideas.
Then read the passage. Are my af your idea$ mentioned?

54 Unir-5City Living
gain a rmllion people
a week. This kind
ofgrowth. . brings
5 problems,ar~dtoday
many of the world's
largest cities face
siudar challenges: I
high housiug costs, I
I o pollution, and crime
A S ~ Paulo,
O Brazil.
(to name a few). What are some urban planners Worldwide, clW grow
doing to fix these problems and improve people's lives? by a million people
a we&.

Hyderabad, Ii~dta(population: more than fivc rnilhon )

To improve: residents' lives, Hyderabad is planting
15 trees and parks. The city is even creating "greener"
buildings that use less water and less efe-akityfor
power. Adding green to a city has a number of
advantages. For example, wees pollution
from the air and make it cleaner. In Hyderabad,
zu streets were gray and ugly a few years ago. Today,
they are filled with trees and flowers, m h g the city
cleaner and more ~d10;Eul.Green areas also give
people places to relax or &W& and wall<.A study
in the U.S. showed sonlething else interesring: the
greener a neighborhood1 is, the less crime there is r In the CIQ of Hyderabad,
against people and property---especially buiidings and cars, an old factory ISnow an
urban park I
SHo l'aulo, Brazil (pop~,ularion:more tlian cig1:lltccn rnillion i
Many people work in the cenrer of SIo Paulo, but the~ldon't
live there. They've spread out to neighborhoods outside the
39 city, where housing is cheaper. Every day, these people travel
into the city, and M e is very heavy. Urban planners are using
df'ferent strategies to address this issue. First, they are building
better su bwaysh2Another goal is to make i t cheaper for people
to live in t l ~ edowl~townarea. Doing this mill shorten the
35 distance people travel for worlr and reduce traffic and pollution
in the city.
' A neighborhod Is m e of the parts of a ctty where people live.
= A subway is an underground railroad. tt IS a type of public transportaid In a city,
&& urban Explosion
A. Multiple Choice. Ch'oosa the best answer fov each qu&ti~n,
Purpose 1. What is the mqin purpose of this pwage?
a. to ?how haw two cities are improving people's lives
b. to describe the benefit8 of smaller cities
c. to explain why more peapEe are moving Into cities-
d. to describe the l i f ~of an urban plmner
Detail 2. Which reason for making a city itbgnar is NOT Qtatedih
the passage?
a. it makp 8 ~ j i .r=lmner.
b, wO;rkk& S i r .
L?b. It ldW%m%rimerates.
I 4- - ti. It makes R @&/I% to exe1'ci&.

Vocabulary % In ling 15, .What d~Bs-th_~~Qrdg[mner;rn&~?

a. More brightly coj~rqd
b. better f o f~he environment
c . taller
d. hn16T% full of tfees

Detail 4, Aceording to t ha passage, mat problem doe3 S o ,Paul,p have'?

<A. A lot sf pmpla, don't hava jqbs,
0, T M W~airyp&opleli3a it7 th& u€ywriter,
c. A lot OT pgople are movihg BUS af'the ciw.
d, Tm many pefiple ctfivt?inla the city rrvefy Qay,

Rbference 5, Ih lif3@2g,what d~&Wemrefertg?

.a. B w i l c. in a city
b, aut~ideSiio Paulo d, cenlral 3% Paulo
B. Classification. Match each answer (*fj with the place
it describes,

S p Paula a. is finding ways for people

8 to five near their wokplace
hh@*ab. is adding trew and parks
fJp tothem
c. has Im than ten million

r d. is !wing to refluck pallutian

less energy
f= is imDfoving public transportation
-4, , ~ . : q & m
-- ,

.~ hg
.ta$ g &
g ~ ~ ;". ~ - ~ ::p%
$ hm,? sfi~m~
;wbk*w - n
nQrnkk& &&
g&Q :+&j
@p*;&*;. *3
rnmTPb ' in;theUg~~iT
, ,,
, q

8. wbrds in Context. Completeaaeh senten~e

with the hest mw&r
1. lfsyOu fix som@WinQ,,you
a. makg. W W r k again b, @%Kit

2. If aomethihg is ugly, it ntce to Imk at.

a. is b. is not
3. If a cjty wpwiames gm&, its; populadorr - .* "

a. goes UP - (4~. .Q W ~ D Y U I - I , IIIL -

' r:T 11 tl[ - 1.j

4. W'ltt76ut &ct&y, the ,in gowr-h a m dl1 not work.

a. lights ~~~~~~ lE-..F ,. - ,T.,;, .

I heavy traffic, light traffic,oncoming traffic, stuck in traffic. I

6,!% Urban Explosion
., .


I COmRietiofi. Read fbe dGfifiRitibHS. Cwmptefe t b ihformaCdn with

the mirat f i m ~f the words in blue.
mer&a,tg: people who buy or sell things
port: an area of a city or .tmM1where ships sap
shopping md: large, e~closedarea with many shops
skyscrapem veryhi& b u i l w
trade: a, buy and sell things

City Spotlight: Dubai

For centuries, Dubai has been an hPtant 1.
Gty, Ship and 2. stopped here to
5. and do bus:hess.
a~t~ai h s ~m the ~ r ~ ~ d E~ 4. g~ M P

including:rheBzlvj Al h b . and the Burj BUM.

* Dubai is & home to some of tbe waiid2si q e s t
5, . %me have hmdrtds oifsrores,
as well a3 th~aterc, and:&pmcenters,
6. PMCct. LOOR qulckjy'a?the tMe >ahd*photoan tho mxt -page,
and read the first mht&M;e ih &Oh paragraph. h m k (4the
infwfmatioHyou thjfik you'll read abut.
AND b\l0:"
I Dubai is like nq ~ r h e placer on h r h . It is the
world capital of living &e-a city of big business,
luxury1 hot&, skyscrapers, and huge shopping
malls. Za the d y 20th century, Dubai wa$ a
5 s u d d tradmg port. Pkuple from all over the
world stopped in Dubai to da buskess. But it
I was s t i l l a small city, and most people lived as
fishermen, merchantss,or by d i n g animals.
Then in 1966, oil w a ~diseove~d.h rime, this
l a brought a lot of money into the region, &d soon
I)UW began to chmge.
Today Dubai is cme of t h e world's mast Muenrial
business centers. In fact, each year most of the
city's mud earnings come from bushes's, no^ oil. A am
~ u b is ong of the world's
15 The city is &o a $t$ulPm&ngport. f&test growing cities.

Recently Dubai has become a popular spot for towibts.

P q l e fmm abroad come to retax on its beaches, and every
year, d i o n s visit just to go shopping!
Rubai is also one of the world's fastest growing cities.
20 C o m e o n - i s evqwheee. Buildings [some of the tallest on
Ea.tth) we built in months. The city dso has a number of
man-made islamb. One of these, the Palm Jmeifah,is shaped
like a palm tree and is par&lady beautifid.
The city is still an amazing mix of peapl~£ram different Did I'w.FGnw?
,- 25 backgrounds. hdividuak from 150 c r a ~ u i e live
g and work Dub/ h@m~rgahqp@tr~
in Dubai, and foreigners now outnumb& Dubai natives w PGW ,l@n @m
eight to one! athwc#y in th$:wm~,i

M a y people welcome the city's growth. But an *creasing

number of Dubai .natives have concerns3about the speed af
XI change. As Mohammad Al Abbar, a Dubai businessman, says,
'We musr always remember where we came barn. Our kids
must know we worked very, very hard to get where we are now,
and there's a lot more work to do.'?
' ~UUWis B y bmat W V f ~ r t&,
D ~ HY & R@~&&df~~ Wid &PWlsh,@ thimtk
V me group dfppf&outnumben anarher; the fl&.group twmate m l a 7hw the q m d group,
a A c-n b a wary W t a situwn.

5E City of the Fume

UiReading Comprehension
MultipIe Choice, Choose the best afiswer for each questl~n.
Main Idea 1. What is the main idea(of this reading?
a. Duhi is hemming an incwsingty difficult place to live.
b. DLubalIs gmwtng fmt.
c. bubai is IWW vsrysimilw t~ other citlm In the world.
d. Dwbai was 4 grwt city past, Mt fhb ha&changed.
Detail 2 ~ B e f o ~ t h e m i d - 1 ~ S Q s , m a n y p ~ I & i n D u b a i l i ~ e,d
a. in skyscrapers c. as fis.h~menand famm
b, on small Islasrd$ -doaedl wQrker>s

- I 3, Whichsent~nceabout Dubai is NOT &us?

a. tllubai now makes most of Its ,money fm.m,selling ail.
b. Thereare a lot of foreigners wrking In Oubafnm
c, Dubai gsts many intwnatimal visitors ewry yew,
d. Dubai has created aeveral man-made Islands.

Vocabulary 4. In line 18,whatdoesthewmd sptmean?

8, a s m ~ I l , ~ l ~ ~ u l ~ i r c l e ( n~.amarkonthe~kin(naun)
b. a place, or destination (noup) d, t ~ s a s something (verb)
Inference 5. In line 31, Mohammad Al Abbasays, "Wemustakay8
remember where we game from . . ." What do= this mean?
a. Wa shautd always reinernher we ara from Dubai.
b, We should only think about the future-what atto do next,
c, We must always re.membw our past.
d. We should always visit Dubai, even if
we no IonQerlive thew.

B. Summary, Gampl~tethe information about Rubai with words

from the reading.
Today, th@city earns most of it$ mmsy from 1.

Dubai is one of the 2. _ -growing eitiw En the world,

People from o v ~3.
r nations live in Dubai.
For every ma Dubai native, there are 4. fmiigners.

rnlnesw brr:eindoo
Relax on one of DubaiS 5. or go
6. in one of its many malls.

,L City Living
A. Matching. Raad the infamatlon below. Then match
each word in pd with its dsfi'nitian. A!:.
- *. .
I 1 -

The PtaIrn Juneitah was the &sr man-made island bust in 2.

Dubai. Comaudon began in 2001 and w s mmp1eted in
k .

2006. Property here was p d q d w l y expensive, but this didn4

PC .-
stop people from buying all 4,000 homes on the island in , ;
72 hour& The Palm also has a number of places for taurlsts to
visit, including beaches; restaurants, shops, and parks.
.- -
There is also anbthtr g o u p of islands, called "The World,"
behg created in Dubai. These 300 islands are ha pa like a map
of the world. An entire island cbsw about 3 0 million U.S . dollars
to buy, and sales have already been s'utcw&l. The island of
Irdand, .far ex%mpIe,will become an Itish-themed vacation spot.

a. especially, very
b. doing well
e. building
d min the form of
a people who visit a place an vacation

6. Completion. Complete the 9entences with the correct farm of

wards from the boxhOne word is extra,
. .,L
k A.8

,w! IT
1- ='
1, In many cities, st%oldngisn't allowed in public places,
.> '

Many,.p&ple this chang~,.

., 1.- IL?

2. Bullfighting . . , in Asia? Yes, ~f Jongdo in Korea h a s its - -.., (,,

bullfighting festival every year in March. , ,- :,,

3. A(n) city (like Tokyo a London) is ah imporfa&
world center for businmB, cultufe, etCc *I!'# - -
L .-..+- . --
4. Las Vegas is now ,a child-friendly city, and many pwmts take t hejr
I I* - if16."+> I 1
thereqnvacation. - :-I - - ..
5. Every year, big cities around the world decome
expensive to live in.

I hese aaje;mv$s mean "having a lot of something," Far example,

a dalorful mrn has a lot of color;
.. .
in Venice
Preview. Lmk arthe photo and f a d the. sentap. I

I - '
@! lJ.&~mmarize. Watch mci v/dep; Living in Vmf&
- -men GQITP~&~
the eurnmty below udng the
Torm df word$,fbm the m.Three wards ate mtra,
C. Think AbOut It.

1. Why am some
residents leavingj
Verrics'l Find the
Vedce~&cItalian city of c a d s m d gond01as. %day, f@s city ha$ 1' three rm913s given
a pmbltm. I. ,many Venice nativa- in the passage.
2. the young--are leavirig &d mauing.tcjd&er
places. my?pi &nt >thing,3. in Venice is vefy iy fa@ chdlengw
expensive, parent:^ want their 4. 'Wstay, but fm like the ongs
many yamg pe~ple,iz's difficult to bay their own homes. Venice rn~nt'lomdIn this unit?
5. y i s i t m from all me^ the world-dim% What can be done
, At times, the large number OF people i n the
a n be m y flficult for residents. Jobs. $re another prohle&
~~~ A

, d m ' t w g t to be a gondolier q dc, other work with

nam~&m. 1 - w that it's a very special g& . . to live in a c i t y
[mchT,& V e * i p k says. Despite rU of rhr 8. b Ira-%-
Giovanni cah't lmHgine living anywhere else. :s - ::
TO Imn rnoh & ~ u t6th
a n d the worid and the
challenge3th faCE!vl~ft


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