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The words some and any are used when the speaker cannot specify or does not
need/want to specify a number or an exact amount.

Compare the following sentences:

I saw seven deer when riding my bike in the forest yesterday. (es importante que sepas
cuantos ciervos he visto)

I saw some deer when riding my bike in the forest yesterday. (no sé cuántos ciervos he
visto o no es importante que sepas cuantos ciervos he visto exactamente)

Las normas que vamos a ver también se aplican a las palabras que contienen el some o
el any: somebody/anybody, something/anything, somewhere/anywhere etc.

o Algo de…
o Unos/as
o Algunos/as

- I got some nice presents for Christmas this year.

- We need some apples.
- This job is going to take some time.
- Look! There are some large black birds on the roof of the church.
- You have some butter on your chin.
- If you are hungry, there are some biscuits in the cupboard.
- I'm sure I'll return to Japan some day.
- The coffee needs some sugar
- I want some water

o Nada de…
o Algo de…
o Ningún/a

- I looked in the cupboard but I couldn't find any biscuits.

- I don't need any help.
- There isn’t any juice
- There aren’t any students in the class.
- The pot dosen’t have any salt.
- She's so rude. No wonder she doesn't have any friends.
- I don't have anything to wear to the dance.
- I'm not hungry. I don't want anything to eat.
- I didn't get any nice presents for Christmas this year.

We normally use any, but we use some for requesting/offering.

- Do you have any brothers or sisters?

- Did you catch any fish?
- Have you seen any good films recently?
- Does anyone know the answer?
- Are you going anywhere this Christmas?
- ¿Quieres algunas manzanas? Do you want some apples?
- ¿Hay algo de agua en la botella? Is there any water in the bottle?
- ¿Te gustaría algo de leche? Would you like some milk?
- ¿Hay algunos animales en tu casa? Are there any animals in your house?

In fact, the use of some/any is a little more complicated. Following are two
common occasions when the above "rules" are "broken":

1. We can use some in questions when offering/requesting:

o Would you like some more tea?

o Could I have some milk, please?
o Do you want something to eat?

2. We use any in positive sentences when we mean it doesn't matter which...:

o You can come and ask for my help any time.

o Which book shall I read? - Any one. It's up to you.
o You can sit anywhere but here. This is my seat!

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