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Torrential rains are expected due to the interaction Front Cold 13th and hurricane “Iota” in


In the Mexican Valley, a cold environment and the possibility of rain are expected during the day.

The interaction between the Cold Front 13th and the cloud cover associated with the cloud bands
of hurricane "Iota", it will cause occasional torrential rains in areas of Veracruz (south and central
mountainous area) and Oaxaca (north), as well as strong and intense in the southeast of Mexico
and in Yucatan.

This was informed by the National Meteorological System in its morning report in which it
indicates that due to the rains an increase in the rivers levels and streams, landslides and floods in
low areas will expect.

In the Mexico Valley, a cold environment with frosts is expected at dawn, temperate in the
afternoon, cloudy sky during the day, with probability for isolated rains.

In Mexico City is expected a maximum temperature between 19 to 21 degrees Celsius and a

minimum between 7 to 9 degrees Celsius; and in Toluca, Mexico State, a maximum between 16 to
18 degrees Celsius and a minimum between 1 to 3 degrees Celsius.

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