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Nama : Qonnita Dhiya Ichsani

Kelas : IK2D
NIM : 33420317

Hello everyone, it's me, Qonnita.

Yes, My name is Qonnita Dhiya and you can call me Qonnita. I am currently pursuing my
second year of education at the Department of Informatics Engineering, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Semarang State Polytechnic.
In this video I will discuss the activities of students or people known as 'a day in my life',
As we all know, learning is the top priority of students. However, as a student, you have other
obligations throughout the day. Well, this time I will discuss about what I do as a student on a
daily basis.
Starting at 4 am I did the dawn prayer activity. after that I take 1 glass of water so that the
body can neutralize it properly. at 5 o'clock I started to clean my bed and my room and
opened my bedroom window so that the fresh morning air could enter the room. Then I took
my sports clothes and changed into sports clothes then I prepared a bottle of mineral water
and shoes for me to exercise.

Usually I exercise around the house or around housing and my sports are small jogging and
playing skipping, the exercise I do is only 30 minutes to 1 hour. After exercising I feel fresh
in my body, after resting for about 15 minutes I immediately clean up the house, such as
helping my mother cook, after that I sweep the house.
The next activity is an online class. Online classes usually start at 7 and before online classes
I will take a shower first so that my body feels fresh and not sleepy. The first class at 7 is
usually filled with Pak Handoko teaching the oracle, and usually finishes at 8 to 9 am, before
the next class starts I usually have breakfast, and my breakfast is varied, but I don't eat rice
because I'm on a diet hehe Then the class starts again until 12 noon, but usually if there is no
class I do the assignments given by the lecturer.

during the day, if there is no class I usually sleep or rest, but sometimes also read and cook.
then at 1 pm I do the zuhur prayer, don't forget I always drink 1 glass of mineral water, then I
open social media namely tiktok, instagram and whatasapp, I can play social media for up to
2 hours hehe, because besides refreshing my brain I also learn something and discover new
knowledge which is not related to education but to my life. at 3.30 in the afternoon I usually
do a workout at home but before my workout I pray Asr first, and continue to workout at
home, I workout using a trainer from youtube because I don't know what workout moves are
lol. The workout that I do is usually 30 minutes, because a lot of sweat has come out too
hehe, I work out the whole body but focus more on the thighs because I want to shrink the
thighs hehe.
After doing the workout, I usually make snacks and fresh drinks, namely banana strawberry
smoothies and snacks that I have at home hehe. I eat snacks by opening social media, namely
scrolling tiktok hehe. After my snack was finished I immediately rushed to take a shower in
the afternoon because his body was wet and sticky.

The Maghrib Adhan echoed, I immediately rushed to perform the Maghrib prayer, and
recited the Koran, I usually recited Surat al-Waqiah because it was my favorite letter. After
worship, I usually go straight to organizational tasks. at 7.30 pm I usually have a meeting of
the work program of the organization which is held until 10 pm. At the meeting a lot was
done listening, giving suggestions, and criticizing. even at the same time the meeting also had
an online class hehe. so I do double device to follow both. both finished usually at 10 pm,
after they were all done, I rewarded myself with a mask on my face. I really like Camille
brand masks, because they make my skin brighter. After 15 minutes of drying, I usually rinse,
then pray Isha, skincare and then play social media hehe. even if there is a good korean
drama i watch it till 12 pm

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