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Acute pain - Rapid onset and usually lasting less than 2 weeks.

Chronic pain - Slowly progressing and extends more than weeks. It comes and goes.

Local anesthesia - Depressed.

General anesthesia - Suppress.
Epidural - Spinal anesthesia, awake during surgery but without sensation.

Cranial Nerve 1 (Olfactory) - Ability of smell.

Different types of types:

1. Sweet
2. Sour
3. Salty
4. Bitter
5. Umami (Ma-betsin)

Taste is also linked to smell.

Different parts of the eye:

1. Accessory Structures
- Eyebrow: Protects from sweat and serves as shade from the sun.
- Eyelid / Eyelash: Protects from foreign objects

Conjunctival Sac

Optic Nerve - Ability of vision.

Pupil ay protection ni iris.

Endolymph - Lubricates and equalizes pressure in the inner ear.

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