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Name: Angelyn M.

Abajenza BSME 3A Date: September 22, 2021

1. Why are engineers considered an important segment of the society?

Wherever you go, whatever you do, everything is behind engineers. In our society,
everything is the idea and product of engineers. That is why Engineers have a lot of
contributions and are considered an important segment of society. As we all know, we live in a
technological era, where everything is in High-Tech innovations and applications that are easy
and comfortable for us to live, also with social and economic infrastructure in our society. In one
call or message, you will communicate to everybody. With one click, your vehicles and machines
will work and function. In one tap, you will be entertained and enjoyed in your video game, in
dramas and movies, social media apps, you will know what is happening in the world because of
the news on radios and televisions, and you will receive an order from an online shop. When
you are sick and have a chronic illness, some medicines can help you to recover. You can enjoy
traveling around the world with good and safe transportations also you can enjoy drinking and
sharing memories with your friends and relatives. Everything is great because of the Engineers.

2. What are expected of engineers in general?

Engineers apply the knowledge of science, mathematics, and engineering to solve given
situations or issues. They are expected to design, conduct experiments, interpret and analyzed
data for better innovation. Also, perform their job effectively and efficiently in a variety of tasks
on their specialization.

3. In what current concerns are engineering outputs needed?

Engineering outputs are needed in every aspect of this current modern age. The
concerns are the following: Agriculture (the production of foods, agricultural system, and
agricultural technology). Supplying needs of people like energy, transportation,
telecommunication, technologies, and infrastructures). For environmental concerns such as
solid waste disposal (recycling) and elimination of pollutions (land, water, air, etc.) also this
amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

4. In what areas are engineering currently involves?

Engineers are currently involved in broad areas where they perform their job effectively
that is beneficial to society, such as research, development, design, testing, manufacturing,
consulting, teaching, sales, government, and management.

5. How many organizations be classified according to the engineering job performed?

There are the three types of organization that can be classified according to engineering
job performed from level one to three. Level one – minimal engineering jobs (retailing firms).
Level two – moderate degree of engineering job (transportation, companies), and level three –
high degree of engineering job (construction firms).
6. Which organization level requires the highest management skills for engineer manager?

Level three because in this level provide the biggest opportunity for an engineer to
become the president or general manager. In this case requires the highest management skills
for engineer manager.

7. What is engineering management?

Engineering Management is the art and science of controlling activities, planning,

directing, allocating resources, organizing activities that have a technological component. They
possess ability to apply management tools, engineering principles, and skills in directing
technical projects and people in technical jobs. Also it is specialized form of management
required to successfully lead engineering or technical personnel and projects and applies to
either functional management or project management.

8. How may one define management?

Management may be defined as the “creative problem solving process of planning,

organizing, leading, and controlling an organization’s resources to achieve its mission and
objectives.” the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using
available resources efficiently and effectively.

9. What qualification must an engineer manager have?

 a bachelor’s degree on engineering from a reputable school; In some cases a master’s
degree in engineering or business management is required;
 a few years experiences in pure engineering job;
 training in supervision;
 special training in engineering management

10. How may one become a successful engineer manager?

Being a successful engineer manager is a great accomplishment it is very important for

the engineer manager to know the factor leading to successful management. To become a
successful engineer manager, of course, you have the ability, motivation to manage, and
opportunity. Have knowledge and wide understanding, learn to listen to others, and be a public

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