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Yogurt "Recipes"


I used about 2 TSP when using 48 oz of whole milk.

Set initial heating of milk to about 190F for 30 minutes, but after pre-heat (when
temp reaches the 190F), mix in 1TBS of unflavored gelatin.

Remove from heat to allow milk to cool to about 110F. At some point during cooling
or at the end, pour milk through screen to catch any skin, etc.

Add in yogurt starter (I do this in a small glass with a bit of warm milk and then
mix this in to the pot of milk).

Incubate at about 190 for 6.5 hours (can still try decreasing this).

Allow pot to sit on counter for at least an hour before refrigerating, and then
refrigerate overnight (the yogurt will thicken more after refrigeration).


Same times and temperatures, for the most part, other than so far have incubated
for 7 hours, not 6.5.

When using 1/2 gallon of milk, 1 1/2 TBS of gelatin seemed fine after refrigeration

Used one "gumdrop" shaped ice cube of starter yogurt with the 1/2 gallon of milk.

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