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Marrow & Chocolate Cake

As requested, adapted from a Co-op recipe...

Cream together 150g butter/marg with 100g soft brown sugar (recipe said 150g). Then mix in 1 tsp vanilla essence & 2 tbsp
cocoa powder. The mixture should be light and fluffy.

In a separate bowl, weigh out 250g self-raising flour & 1 tsp baking powder.

Gradually add 2 large eggs to the creamed mixture along with a little of the flour to help absorb the liquid. (I used 3 small
eggs instead)

Then mix in the rest of the flour, 2 tbsps of milk and approximately 200g of grated, peeled & de-seeded
marrow/courgette/zucchini. (I was overly enthusiastic and added 250g- it worked out fine!)

If you're making it as a loaf cake, cook at 180 degrees centigrade/Gas Mark 4 for approximately 50 mins. Alternatively fairy
cakes would take 15-20 mins.

It was very moist & very chocolatey.

The recipe declared that it was best eaten fairly swiftly but that it did freeze well. After we'd tried a slice each we decided
that eating it 'fairly swiftly' wasn't going to be a problem....(freezing it- well I'd probably have to make another cake to test
that theory...)

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