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The Red Monk Law Part-Five.

“That Material Values Will Ultimately Replace All Moral Values

Due To The Limits Imposed On The Number Of Values that Can
be Accommodated Restricted By The Limits Of the Human
Rewriting the above in the form the following Simple
Mathematical expression which I had Written In The Year 1967
In One Of My Libral Studies Essays For The First Year In My
Engineering Course Of Study
S=The Number of social and religious (Spiritual)Values that
Erupted from within the Inner self and phycological structures
of man at any given period of Time. or what is known as the
Sixth Sense e.g. :The Highly Advance Formula Coined
thousands of years B.C. by Babylonians Jewish sage (Hillil):
((Thou should not do to others what thou does not wish to be
done to him !))Plus the Ten Commandments! Pus etc?etc?etc?
M=Material values or In the scientific terms of Marxism :
(Relationship of Production) i.e. Money :e.g :
((Do to others before they undo to you!)) Plus if drugs or
Homosexuality gives pleasure or Make money then why not ?
(Search For The Pink Pound)? ! OR :Come what may aways
Obey the boss !OR The customer always right ! OR If the
economy can thrive by Cruel Exploitations then why not? etc?
Etc ?
T=Time For Any Range Per Specific Period Per System of

S + M=Co̶̶i̶̶ nstant .  (Minus) ds/dt= +dm/dt

i.e. The more material values we accumulate (By Necessity Or

Otherwise)The less moral or ethical there will be until material
values will replace all ethos when it will be the end of the world
due to the failure of matter to Reproduce itself as it’s the case
with biological entities.

The Price Of Industrialization.

“It’s Where Mind Body and The Environs Are Polluted

1-organied crime for example in England (The differences

between the Mafia and theirs so called security circles are
disappearing fast! (Search---The Death Squads Of Britanie) ?
2-Mass perversions (Homosexuality had become the new
Irresponsible English secret religion)
3-Racism (Worse than apartheid)!
4-Protracted Fascism (Colonialism)
5-Shock fascism (Cowardly Nazis )

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