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Divine intevention.

“One way of looking at the Middle East That God noticed people of
this region full of prayers and praise for (HIM)With so many
religions in this part of the world more than anywhere else!
All worshiping (HIM)So HE took pity upon them deciding to move
these people forward by the method what we now call
(Scholarships)i.e He chosen the most intelligent among these
people (The Jews)Scattered them all over the world on
(Scholarships )To learn the latest and the best then GOD Made
use of English Colonialist Venom who maliciously planted Israel in
the M.E. Thinking it will give colonialism foot hold in the region !
But GOD had other plans for these scholarships to return one day
and MODERENIZE this region that exploited religion to remain
backward ! To modernist it with all the skills and wisdom the jews
acquired from all over the world and this my dear what I call
Heavenly Justice because sooner or later by design or otherwise
the whole region must rise to same level as that of Israel
Technically and politically or sink therefore Israel may be after
alls not (NAKBA)For the region but blessing in disguise. By Divine
“There are no RIGHT or LEFT in politics Nor RIGHT or
Wrong ONLY UP and DOWN! The STRONG and the WEAK “
The Red Monk
Its stupid to think the European like the Arabs And hate the Jews
or vice versa the European in general and the English in particular
hate everyone and when the oil runs out they may even put the
Arabs in GAS CHAMBERS. Its genetically so with the Europeans.

Any decent person will recognize the unnegotiable right
of EVERYONE including Jews or Kurds for HOMELAND.

“Jew Boy :Jews fleeing the infernos of European Pogroms

only to find despicable English homosexuals waiting for
them at shores of Britania”

Respect And Responsibility.
“Any person Irresponsible Enough to allow themselves
seeking reliefs for their sexual needs outside what is
both normal and rewarding will be IRRESPONSIBLE
Enough outside sexuality. You only need to look at
British history and see for yourself how IRRESPOSIBLE
they are ?”
“The International Homosexual Brigade is the most POWERFUL
most dangerous most conspiratorial secretive organization the
world had never known! Under the banners of sexual equality are
committing lethal crimes EXTENDING Far beyond sexualities.”
(Search---The Tyrny Of English State Homosexuality Parts 1-7)?

How Long ?
“How long ?Thanks to uncle Sam? ?
This island of Hate & Homosexuality! This England!!
remain an enemy of mankind? All of mankind ?? ?
Its the year (2024)And its still Whenever a
Palestinian sneezes or a Jew is injured its front
page news! Yet HUNDREDS are Killed or Kidnapped
Almost Daily (sometimes EVEN with chemical
weapons)In the British colonies of Iraq and Jordan
but no one ever hear about it !!”

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