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Dear PALS at KINGSTON Hospital.

At your Glaucoma clink once a year I go for check-up but this

year it been cancelled not once but THREE times !!! Instead I was
given another appointment on the 18th/October/2023 but this also
was cancelled to be given another appointment on
26/October/2023 !!And when I went for my appointment on the
(26th)I was shocked when I was told it had been cancelled
again !!!

Therefore, I am very worried and very SUSPICIOUS of this

malpractice for it could not be mere coincident by any stretch of
the imagination?
ONCE It can be by chance ?TWICE is bad luck??But THRICE !!!
three times certainly ULTERIOR MOTIVE???

So I am asking for your kind help to find explanation for this

malpractice? Please sparing me the need of turning to the
HEALTH OMBUDSMAN for investigation???

Sincerely :Isam.T.Saleh

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