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Family Life..

Are you familiar with the expression (Jewish Mother)?

I heard it and read it so many times ?It has become its Synonym
for intensive love and the genuine care provided by Jewish
mothers for their children even afterb they grow up they will not
let go of their love and worry.
While inside other creeds MOST parents just cannot wait for their
kids to grow up to get rid of them.
Jewish fathers can be irresponsible like all other fathers but at
least its known if they become rich before running away to
marry(Better)They ensure their first home well provided for by
creating Family Fund (Charity Trust).
Children raised in such conditions grow up to be confident and
healthier both physically and psychologically.
I suppose this what make the Jews so strong and the wisdom
behind only through the MOTHER lineage one classified BORN
JEW.Its FAMILLY TIES what saved this race from EXTINCTION.
And the lack of it what made HOMOSEXUALITY So
RAMPENT In other parts of the world because these unfortunates
homosexuals never knew the WARMTH OR the WORTH of Family
Only Hate and Homosexuality is their sad destiny .
It’s the same reason for certain white female visiting journalist
from NEWYORK wrote in the London EVENING NEWS (Now
evening standard) Asking Why you Brits are so spiteful?
Do not you know SPITE INVITE DESPISE??
Poor MARLYN MONROE was so much lost in the JUNGLE OF
Hollywood promiscuity she LONGED with all her INSTINCTS for
Family Life and indeed it’s the very reason she had given for
converting to Judaism.
KARL MARX who was member of very influential German family of
government ministers, yet he opted to convert to Judaism and to
die paupers in London as he had once written in his own private
unearthed recently (I rather live like this than live with my
German Pigs)!
Myself in (1961)I obtained high marks in the Baccalaureate
Examination which entitled me to enter Medical college or go on
I never wanted to leave on scholarship because I had strong
PREMONITION about Britain !I already knew from books ? Films?
And other people experiences: How MEAN and IRRESPONSIBLE
GAY PIGS the British can be? compared to French hospitality
towards Foreign Students or the Generosity of the USA.
All I wanted to stay in my (LOST PARADISE)City of Mosul not even
Baghdad (My Birthplace)With its college of Medicine of
international status but to join the college of medicine in Mosul
which opened on that very year.
All I wanted to be doctored to help others !
So to convince my mother of my side of the argument:
I distinctly remember saying to her (You know if I become a
doctor I can contribute Forty pounds per month).Would you
believe what she said ?
((If you go AWAY on scholarship its like giving us Four hundred
pounds each month right now ))!? ! ? !
Then it was my EX-Wife (English)IGod bless her soul instead of
giving me THREE children she got THREE HUSBANDS (I was her
first husband)!
The more I am desperate for Family Life the more Family Life
evaded me ! Any other person will be angry at GOD instead I ask
god forgiveness for I must have done something wrong in my
previous life If there was (Previous Life)To deserve this
NIGHTMARE of a life ?

(Search—The Forbidden From Love And Marriage Parts 1-18) ?

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