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Rogue States.

“When NOT even the language can escape pathological abuses.

Made to measure lies ! Purpose built dirty constructions! !
It was unmistakably the liars paradise.”

Inside the Ethically Bankrupt West It seems to be fashionable to

Arbitrarily Label entire nations (Rogue).! Obviously these need to check
their own dictionary to find the meaning of this adjective since it only
apply to states that invade other nations stealing their oil in the daylight
!killing and displacing millions in (Rascal) Operations . They should first
ask themselves did (Rouge) North Korea ever invaded anyone? or stolen
the oil of any other nation?? Nor Have They Committed Crimes Against
Humanity Such As Those Committed Against What Supposed To Be Their
Own Citizens In Norther Ireland And Got Away With It Just Because
England Is NATO Member !Confirming what I said under the title (My
Armageddon -Inside my eBooks)How my first impression of the English
when I arrived in the year (1961)on scholarship from the Iraqi
government ?How Language Became Meaningless so much so irrelevant in
practice that my only motivation to learn the English language was to pass
examinations and nothing else ! indeed the language was dissolving
inside tactical ( Spontaneous ) lies (Amng their commoners) Running like
dirty water and inside strategic lies (by their medieval ruling circles
)Flowing like intoxicating wine .Its The Liars Paradise made one wonder
what is the point of having dictionary ? Check your own dictionary before
Arrogantly calling others Rogue . “ The Red Monk.


“First they abandoned their bible !Now they turning their back on their
own dictionary.”

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