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Civil disorder or civil unrest(Nguyên nhân gây bạo loạn và biện pháp
ngăn chặn)
When a large group of people expresses their dissatisfaction with a
situation in a violent environment (particularly a political situation)
way, it is known as civil disorder or civil unrestAny number of things
may cause civil disorder.However, most are born from political
grievances, economic disparities, religious opposition, racial oppression
and social discord among various cases throughout history.First of all, we
need to strengthen the leadership of the Party, management and
administration of the State for the task of riot prevention and control
Secondly,Improving the material and spiritual life of the people is a
necessary thing to do, especially the ethnic minorities.In addition, we also
need to maintain social stability and make the country stronger in all
aspects.Finally, the government should educating all classes of people in
the sense of protecting the socialist fatherland.
2. Bạo hành gia đình và vai trò của cảnh sát trong phòng ngừa, xử
lý(Domestic abuse):
Domestic abuse is a type of behavior in which the perpetrator uses
physical or emotional aggression to achieve and retain control over a
partner. Abuse can occur on a regular basis or as a single occurrence.
Abuse can include:battery,threats,rape,harassement.Police officer play an
important role in preventing and dealing with domestic abuse.Firstly, the
poilice need to inform and propaganda the Law on Domestic Violence
Prevention and Control and the Law on Gender Equality in order to raise
awareness of people about domestic violence.Secondly, the police must
strictly handle people who commit acts of domestic violence according to
regulations in the field of domestic violence prevention and control. This
will be greatly limited if the acts are detected and handled as soon as
possible.Finally,helping victims and protecting their rights and interests is
essential and important principle that the police must follow.
3. Công tác vận động quần chúng trong phòng chống tội phạm là gì? Liên
hệ với cá nhân.(Community policing)
Community policing is when law enforcement and members of the
community work together to solve issues such as crime, fear of crime,
and social disorder. The police will work closely with the local authorities
and members of the community. They meet with officials from the local
government and the community to discuss the challenges that the
community is facing, share responsibilities, and offer advice on how to
prevent crime and repel invaders.Burglary is on the rise in our area; many
homes are only used during the holidays, making them a target for
burglars. We are attempting to assist home owners in improving the
security of their homes by patrolling around them on a regular basis and
encouraging them to use CCTV, as burglars are more likely to target
homes with no visible security.

4. Những rắc rối mà khách du lịch đem đến địa phương của bạn? Nhiệm
vụ của cảnh sát?
In the modern society, there are various serious tourist problems
that visitors caused in locality. In the bar or nightclubs, many drunken
people and unconscious people make noise and disorder in an area. In
addition, these places are also common for dealing drugs, pickpockets,
prostitution, and harassment. Nevertheless, to ensure a safe level of a
location, the authorities have implemented many measures for this issue.
The local police have dispatched additional officers in order to patrol the
streets and promptly handle troubles from tourists. They are also actively
apprehending drug dealers and removing beggars from tourist sites.

5. Kể tên các công cụ hỗ trợ và vai trò của chúng đối với lực lượng Cs?
There are many tools used by police today to perform missions on duty,
to conduct the task of protecting, preventing persons who commit acts of
violating the law on combat against and fleeing, and protecting the
official-duty performer. Many police officers are equipped with bullet-
roof vests, a gun and its holster, handcuffs, a baton, radios, and pepper
spray. All these devices are really necessary to protect themselves as well
as the citizens in dangerous situations, namely bullet-roof vests is an item
of body armor that helps absorb the impact and reduce or stop penetration
to the body from firearm-fired projectiles and fragmentation from
explosions. Furthermore, in special situations such as catching robbers,
catching wanted fugitives, the riot police squads often use armored
vehicles, water cannons, police dogs or wear protective equipment
including body armor, riot helmets, gas masks and carrying riot shields to
ensure their safety as well as complete the tasks efficiently. All in all,
these devices are very useful in the performance of police duties, but they
must be used in the right places and follow the regulations to ensure the
security of people in a country.
6. Nhiệm vụ của Cs tuần tra đối với vấn đề bảo vệ ATXH?
Patrolling police officers play an important role in
ensuring the social safety in a nation. In order to ensure the
security and peace in an area, they patrol the streets everyday,
and deal with the lawbreakers. In addition, they always work
closely with the general public and local inhabitants, so the local
police will be likely to get to know everyone in the
neighborhood, understand dwellers' difficulties and thereby help
them improve their quality of life. Especially, these days, in
small streets, there is a lot of illegal activity such as harassment,
assult and dealing drugs are more common than ever and thanks
to police patrols, it can help reduce these situations and then
create a healthier, safer society in the future. Generally
speaking, police can secure the area, make arrests, question
suspects, give warnings and penalties, and deal with minor
offenses to ensure the people’s lives.
Gioi thieu ban than
My full name is Le Van Danh, and my age is fifty-two. I am a
police officer in Binh Phuoc province. I worked there for about
30 years and my rank is Senior Lieutenant – Colonel. I usually
patrol at the police headmaster in Binh Phuoc to supervise all
my colleague's work. In addition, I have to deal with several
things from the official papers to control work in my office on a
daily basis. My hometown is Binh Duong. But due to the nature
of my work, I spend most of my time in Binh Phuoc, and on the
weekends, I usually return to Binh Duong to be beside with my
family. When it comes to my family, there are 4 members: my
wife, my son, my daughter, and me. My two children are both
students; my son is fifteen years old and studying in 10th grade
while my daughter is 19 years old and studying at university in
Ho Chi Minh city. Besides, My wife is a housewife and she
cooks very well. Furthermore, my hobby is playing badminton.
Whenever I have free time, I usually play badminton with my
colleague in the office. I really enjoy it because it is a great time
for me to relax after a hard-working day, helps me stay healthy,
and expands my circle of friends
Tôi tên đầy đủ là Lê Văn Danh, năm nay mươi hai tuổi. Tôi là
công an tỉnh Bình Phước. Tôi đã làm việc ở đó khoảng 30 năm
và cấp bậc hàm của tôi là Thượng tá - Đại tá. Tôi thường đi tuần
ở trụ sở Công an Bình Phước để giám sát mọi công việc của
đồng nghiệp. Ngoài ra, tôi phải giải quyết một số việc từ các
giấy tờ chính thức để kiểm soát công việc trong văn phòng của
tôi hàng ngày. Quê tôi ở Bình Dương. Nhưng do tính chất công
việc nên tôi dành phần lớn thời gian ở Bình Phước, cuối tuần tôi
thường về Bình Dương để bên gia đình. Nói đến gia đình tôi
gồm có 4 thành viên: vợ tôi, con trai tôi, con gái tôi và tôi. Hai
đứa con của tôi đều là sinh viên; Con trai tôi mười lăm tuổi đang
học lớp 10 còn con gái tôi 19 tuổi đang học đại học tại thành
phố Hồ Chí Minh. Ngoài ra, vợ tôi là một người nội trợ và cô ấy
nấu ăn rất ngon. Hơn nữa, sở thích của tôi là chơi cầu lông. Mỗi
khi rảnh rỗi, tôi thường chơi cầu lông với đồng nghiệp trong văn
phòng. Tôi thực sự thích nó vì đây là khoảng thời gian tuyệt vời
để tôi thư giãn sau một ngày làm việc mệt mỏi, giúp tôi khỏe
mạnh và mở rộng vòng kết nối bạn bè.

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