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We are going into information regarding the

case of the execution of a migrant worker,

an Indonesian citizen named siti zaenap
who was executed in Saudi Arabia zaenap
was charged with involvement in murder in
Siti, who was born in Bangkalan, is a
migrant worker in Saudi Arabia, she was
convicted of the murder of the wife of her
service user named Naora in 1999
Regarding this matter, the head of
Indonesian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia,
Ganjar Hidayat, feels that the information is
still confusing. In fact, he did not receive
direct information about the plan for
Zaenap's execution. He only heard
information from the local media.)
Not only does the chairman of the migrant
worker's family not yet know about the
death sentence that befell Zaenap, but the
family admits that the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs will come to the family's residence.)
Zaenap can be freed from the death penalty
if he redeems the victim's 90 billion ransom
The government's efforts to negotiate with
Arab governments have been carried out
several times, starting from the government
of President Abdul Wahid to Jokowi Dodo.
However, the government's negotiation
efforts failed until Siti finally died on death
Kami akan memberikan informasi mengenai
kasus eksekusi mati seorang TKI, seorang
warga negara Indonesia bernama siti
zaenap yang dieksekusi mati di arab saudi
zaenap didakwa terlibat dalam kasus
pembunuhan pada tahun 1999
Siti yang lahir di Bangkalan ini merupakan
TKI di Arab Saudi, ia divonis bersalah atas
kasus pembunuhan terhadap istri pengguna
jasanya yang bernama Naora pada tahun
Terkait hal ini, Ketua TKI di Arab Saudi,
Ganjar Hidayat, merasa informasi tersebut
masih simpang siur. Bahkan, ia tidak
mendapatkan informasi langsung mengenai
rencana eksekusi mati Zaenap. Ia hanya
mendengar informasi dari media setempat).
Ketua keluarga TKI tersebut tidak hanya
belum mengetahui tentang hukuman mati
yang menimpa Zaenap, namun pihak
keluarga mengaku bahwa pihak
Kementerian Luar Negeri akan mendatangi
kediaman keluarga. 2).
Zaenap bisa terbebas dari hukuman mati
jika menebus uang tebusan korban sebesar
90 miliar
Upaya pemerintah untuk bernegosiasi
dengan pemerintah Arab telah dilakukan
beberapa kali, mulai dari pemerintahan
Presiden Abdul Wahid hingga Jokowi Dodo.
Namun, upaya negosiasi pemerintah gagal
hingga akhirnya Siti meninggal dunia dalam
hukuman mati.

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