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The magnitude of English mastery urgency has made the author

of this book formulating guidelines provided for students. It aims making

learners to comprehend and apply what they have gotten in English class

into their lives.

Consequently, the book is composed to provide enlightenment for

early age English teachers on how English should be taught and how to

understand the children’s development process. These are efforts to

optimize the teaching learning process. This book can be utilized by

teachers who will teach English for elementary school students; parents

who will start teaching English to their children; and parties who will open

non-formal education institution.

The author is aware that this handbook is still far from

perfection and has weakness in some aspects. Therefore, criticism and

suggestion are welcomed for the improvement of this work. This

worksheet, hopefully, would give significant benefit among teachers,

students, as well as people in general who read it.

Kediri, 20th of July 2020

The Author

Tame and Wild Animal ...................................................................................... 4

Expression of Invitation.................................................................................. 5

Invitation Letter................................................................................................ 6

Japan ..................................................................................................................... 12

Telling Traditional Food................................................................................... 15

Conversation and Vocabulary at Zoo............................................................ 17

Do You Have These Things at Home? .......................................................... 21

Telling About A Zoo .......................................................................................... 22


Tame animals adalah binatang yang jinak, tidak berbahaya bagi

manusia atau membuat manusia takut. Binatang ini biasanya ada

disekitar kita. Tame animals biasanya merupakan domestic animal

atau dipelihara di rumah/farm.

Wild animals adalah binatang yang hidupnya di alam dan hidup

tanpa bantuan manusia. Mereka mencari makan sendiri dan hidup

dalam habitatnya.

Tame Animals
Chicken Donkey Goose Fish Dog

Rabbit Mouse Goat Chameleon Turtle

Cat Beetle Buffalo Bird Ladybug

Ant Sheep Bee Squirrel Duck

Hamster Turkey Horse Pig Cow

Wild Animal
Bear Lion Eagle Snake Tiger

Giraffe Fox Puma Cheetah Leopard

Rhinoceros Gorrila Scorpion Crocodile Chimpanzee

Polar Bear Boar Elephant Giant Panda Zebra

Mammooth Hyena Falcon Hippopotamus Wolf


Making Invitation

Would you like to . . . ? Why don’t you come to . . . .?

I would be very happy if . . . ? Like to come to . . . .

Could you come to . . . ? Come and . . . .

Accepting Invitation

Thank you very much for inviting me All right.

That would be very nice. Sure, I am coming

Sure. Why not?

Refusing Invitation

I’m very sorry, I don’t Unfortunately, I can’t . . .

I’d like to, but . . . . Sorry, I can’t.

I’m afraid I’ve . . . . I don’t think I can.

Thank you for asking me, but . . . Sorry, may be next time

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Invitation letter? invitation Letter

adalah permintaan formal untuk individu kehadiran atau hadir untuk acara

makan malam perayaan atau kesepatan formal. Surat undangan sering

didistribusikan untuk pernikahan, upacara pension, wisuda, ulang tahun

dan acara masyarakat.

Jenis Invitation Letter

Terdapat beberapa jenis dari Invitation letter, yaitu:

 Formal Invitation Letter

Jenis Invitation ini adalah surat undangan dalam konteks resmi.

Invitation Letter ini mempunyai format baku yang harus kita

gunakan saat membuat surat undangan formal ( Formal

Incvitation Letter). Adapun beberapa contoh Formal Invitation

Letter atau Surat undangan resmi yaitu seperti: Surat undangan

pernikahan, Surat undangan wisuda, dan banyak lagi jenis

undangan resmi yang ada disekitar kita.

 Informal Invitataion Letter

Berbeda dengan formal invitatin letter yang digunakan dalam

konteks formal atau resmi , informal Invitation Letter digunakan

dalam konteks tidak resmi. Tidak jarang surat undangan ini hanya

disampaikan melalui pesan singkat atau memo singkat kepada

penerima. Adapu beberapa contoh Informal Invitation letter

adalah seperti: Undangan Pesta, Undangan ulang tahun, undangan

makan malam dan beberapa undangan tidak resmi lainnya.

Struktur Invitation Letter

Adapun beberapa struktur yang terdapat dalam Invitation Letter yaitu:

 Name of the host : nama tuan rumah

 Phrasing of invitation : ungkapan undangan

 Kind of event : jenis acara undangan

 Date : tanggal acara dilaksanakan

 Time : waktu acara tersebut

 Venue : lokasi atau tempat acara dilaksanakan

 Special instruction : perintah khusus

 Request to respond : permintaan untuk menanggapi

Beberapa ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat sebuah


I invite you to come…

I invite you to join…

Would you like to come

Would you like to join us

I would like to invite you

Request the present of…

Contoh Invitation Letter

To: Reva

Would you like to come to my parents wedding anniversary party? The

party will be held:

Day/ date: Sunday/11 march 2022

Time: 07.00 p.m.

Place: at my house

No meaning without your coming.

Your Best friend


Kepada: Reva

Tidak keberatankah kamu untuk datang di acara pesta hari jadi

pernikahan orang tua aku. Acara tersebut akan diadakan pada:

Hari/tanggal: minggu, 11 maret 2022

Waktu: jam 07.00 malam

Tempat: di rumah

Tak akan bermakna acara tersebut tanpa kehadiran kamu.

Teman terbaikmu


Contoh Undangan (Birthday Invitation)

To: Budi

I invite you to attend 17th my birthday party. It will be held:

Day/Date: Sunday/ 17 August 2016

Time : 03.00 p.m

Place: at my sweet house ( Pring Kuning Street number 17)

I hope your coming


Kepada: Budi

Saya mengundang kamu untuk menghadiri pesta ulang tahunku yang ke

Tujuh Belas. Acara tersebut akan diadakan pada:

Hari/Tanggal: Minggu/ 17 Agustus 2016

Waktu: Pukul Tiga sore

Tempat: Dirumahku

Saya mengharapkan kedatanganmu.


Population: 126.5 million people live in Japan (2020)

Capital: Tokyo, which is the biggest city in Japan with over 13

million inhabitants.

Name: Japan, in Japanese: Nihon or Nippon

Government: Constitutional Monarchy. The Japanese emperor is

called Naruhito.

Language: Japanese

Religion: majority are Buddhists or Shintoists

Life expectancy: 86 years

Currency: 1 Yen (JP¥) = 100 sen

National Anthem: "Kimigayo" - The Emperor's Reign

National Symbols: red sun disk (as shown on the flag), national

bird: green pheasant, national flower: cherry blossom and

chrysanthemum, national fish: Japanese koi fish

National Day: 23 February - Birthday of Emperor Naruhito, who

was born in 1960

Prime Minister: Joshihide Suga, since 14 September 2020

Popular Japanese dishes

 Sushi: raw fish or seafood dish but also vegetable can be used in

these dainty little bites or rice rolls

 Bento box: Lunch boxes often filled with sushi or other treats

and snacks

 Ramen: thin egg noodles, usually served in broth

 Soba: buckwheat noodles, usually served in broth

 Tempura: light and crispy deep-fried food such as fried

vegetables, fish, seafood or meat

 Teriyaki: dark sticky sauce containing honey, ginger, garlic and

soy sauce. This sauce is popularly served with meat or fish dishes.

 Taiyaki: sweet cake treat with various fillings in fish shape

 Yakitory: chicken cubes on skewers often dipped into a salty soy


My Favorite Fried Rice

So far I have already eaten many kinds of food, but there is one

food which becomes my favorite food. It is fried rice. I do really like the

fried rice a lot, and I can eat it as much as possible. Even though I have

already been full, I am still able to eat fried rice. I am always in good

feeling when I eat the fried rice. I have already become addicted to the

fried rice. I have eaten many kinds of the fried rice in many places. All

of the fried rice that I have eaten have no difference taste a lot.

In making fried rice, there are some steps. First of all, heat the

fried oil and fry the egg. Then mix with the onion, garlic, salt, and chili

as the seasoning flavor. Next, fry together with the rice and add the

tomato sauce. Fry all of the ingredients till cooked. The fried rice looks

reddish when it is already done. It has salty and hot taste. When the

fried rice gets into my mouth, it feels like a lava explosion. Then when I
smell the fried rice, it is sharp, fried, and spicy. The smell of fried rice

always makes me feel hungry. I usually eat the fried rice with my friends

at home and sometimes in the restaurant. The best time to eat the fried

rice is in the evening.

As an Indonesian, I eat the rice as the main food. The fried rice

is my favorite food. I eat fried rice almost every day. Because I like to

eat the fried rice, I already bought the fried rice in many places. The

fried rice tastes very good and yummy. The fried that I have already

eaten has almost the same ingredients and taste. In brief, all of the fried

rice that I have already eaten are the same.

Lontong Rice Rolls

Rujak Manis Fruit in Soy Sauce

Sambal Terasi Shrimp Paste

Rendang Spicy Coconut Beef

Gado-Gado Mixed Vegetables with Peanut Sauce

Sate Daging Beef on a Stick with Peanut Sauce

Opor Ayam Braised Chicken in Coconut Milk

Rawon Diced Beef in Black Sauce Soup

Sambal Terasi Dried Shrimp Chili Sauce



Welcome To The Zoo!

(A family consists of Father and Mother with their two children,

Rendi and Hanifah going to a zoo)

Mother : Well, kids. We are inside the zoo. Which animal do

you want to see first?

Hanifah : I want to see the Panda bear! Please, mom, take us to

the Panda bear!

Rendi : I want to see wild birds! Especially owls and eagles!

Father : Well, let’s first see the map. Um…. I think panda
bear’s lair is still far away from the entrance, and

the wild birds’ cage is too. Why don’t we see other

animals on our way to the panda bear’s lair and wild

birds’ cage?
Mother : That’s right, Dear. There must be amazing animals
along the way. Let’s go see them!

Father : Well, how about the elephants?

Rendi : Alright!
Hanifa : Okay then!
(At Elephant’s lair)

Hanifa : Look, Mom, Dad! That elephants are super huge! I

wonder how they took these big animals into here.

Father : They worked together to take the elephants in here.

They usually used heavy vehicles that carry the

elephants from outside the zoo into their lair.

Rendi : Where did they come from, Father?

Father : As far as I know, they were taken from a place called
game preserve. This is a kind of place that contains

animals that are protected under government’s law.

Rendi : Oh… I see then.

: Hanifa : Look! There are some small fruits all over the ground.
People are throwing the fruits into the elephant’s

mouth. Can I throw the fruits too?

Mother : You would be better not to do that, Dear. Look, can

you read that? The sign says that it is forbidden to

feed the animals with any foods that visitors bring.

Hanifa : Why is that, Mom?
Mother : It’s because the foods that visitors give to the
animals might be unhygienic. These animals really

need hygienic foods. It will prevent them from

dangerous disease that can threaten their lives.

Therefore, we should not feed them with anything

since the caretakers of the zoo will handle the foods

for them.

Hanifa : Oh, I never know that. But, those people keep

feeding the elephants. I’m worried.

Father : I wish they know what they’re doing soon. The zoo’s
caretakers also always patrol around the zoo to warn

people who are feeding the animals.

Rendi : I wish the caretakers come here faster to scold at


Mother : Very well, kids. We have seen the elephants, but it’s
over noon already. Are you hungry enough to have


: Rendi : Yes, mom. I’m really hungry. Can we eat first before
going on?

Hanifa : Me too, Mom.

Mother : Okay, Dear. Let’s have lunch first. I have made
delicious foods for you all.
Father : Alright, let’s find the best spot for us to eat up our

Wild : liar

Lair : sarang

Entrance : pintu masuk

Along the way : sepanjang jalan

Huge : sangat besar

Wonder : heran, bertanya-tanya

Contain : berisi

Sign : tanda, plang

Forbidden : dilarang

Visitor : pengunjung

Unhygienic : tidak higienis/bersih

Threaten : mengancam

Caretaker : pengurus

Handle : menangani

Warn : memperingatkan

Vocabulary Meaning Vocabulary Meaning

Table Meja Sofa sofa

Chair kursi Cupboard lemari

Carpet karpet Bed kasur

Drawer laci Pillow bantal

Lamp lampu Clothes Dryer pengering pakaian

Television televisi Towel handuk

Broom sapu Electric Fan kipas angin

Hair Dryer pengering rambut Juicer pembuat jus

Hanger gantungan baju Oven oven

Rice cooker pemasak nasi Toothbrush sikat gigi

Stove kompor Vacuum Cleaner penyedot debu

Telephone telefon Washing Machine mesin cuci


Surabaya Zoo

Surabaya Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Southeast Asia.

Surabaya Zoo is also one of the oldest zoos in Asia. Surabaya Zoo has a

land area of 15 ha. Surabaya Zoo has a role as a place for family education

and recreation. Surabaya zoo are also often used for sports and a place

to walk around. Surabaya Zoo is located on the road detail what no. 1,

Surabaya, East Java.

Surabaya Zoo has more than 351 species and more than 2806

animals. Including Indonesian endangered species and the world consists

of mammals, aves, reptiles and pisces. Surabaya zoo also features several
animal show to entertain the visitors. Surabaya Zoo has animal aquarium

contained in the form of fish Arapaima gigas. Arapaima gigas is the

largest freshwater fish in the world, which came from Amazon.



Kebun binatang Surabaya adalah salah satu kebun binatang

terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Kebun binatang Surabaya juga merupakan

salah satu kebun binatang tertua di Asia. Kebun binatang Surabaya

memiliki lahan seluas 15 ha. Kebun binatang Surabaya memiliki peran

menjadi tempat untuk pendidikan keluarga dan tempat rekreasi. Kebun

binatang Surabaya juga sering digunakan untuk olahraga dan tempat

untuk berjalan-jalan. Kebun binatang Surabaya terletak di jalan setail no.

1, Surabaya, Jawa Timur.

Kebun binatang Surabaya memiliki lebih dari 351 spesies dan lebih

dari 2806 hewan. Termasuk di dalamnya satwa langka Indonesia maupun

dunia terdiri dari mamalia, aves, reptilia dan pisces. Kebun binatang

Surabaya juga menampilkan beberapa pertunjukan satwa untuk

menghibur para pengunjung. Kebun binatang Surabaya memiliki aquarium

yang terdapat hewan berupa ikan Arapaima gigas yang merupakan ikan air

tawar terbesar di dunia, yang berasal dari Amazone.

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