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Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.

The essential thing is not to stop questioning.
Humanity has always learned from the mistakes of its ancestors
and always a smart man will learn from his own mistakes, but even
more so from the mistakes of others. Our choices bring
consequences, be they good or less good, we must learn and correct
ourselves so that evolution never stops because life never ends with
one mistake.
We all heard in our life the saying “live the moment” or “live
your life, you have just one” and I think the life should be lived
without regrets. As much as you lose opportunities, you will have a
lot of regrets at the end of the life. You just need took the chance,
make that step and the most important, you should do what makes
you happy because a day without a smile is a lost day. Many times
we are just so covered in problems that we forget the main charm of
the life, learning and questioning about everything.
On the other hand, tomorrow is never a promised day, that’s a
reason why we need to live the moment but at the same time, our
steps from today are opening the doors for tomorrow. For a happy
life we should have a lot of expectations from ourselves and
everyday hoping for a better tomorrow, for us and for everyone.

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