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Read the text again and write an opinion essay about “The
necessity of banning genetically modified food.”
As we saw in history, genetically modified bananas are just a
moment solution, diseases can always affect such an experiment
because the quality of new products can be damaged and also
genetically modified food is more expensive than normal food.
First of all, I think this genetically modified food can’t be as
healthy as normal food because the last one has vitamins and
minerals that humans can’t recreate in laboratory. That genetically
modification can have bad reactions in our body, not even after a lot
of investigations we couldn’t have a 100% precision about the bad
On the other hand, all those plants modified in laboratories
have different substances that helps them to be more sustainable
and resistant to diseases but can cause a lot of allergically responses
from human body. On the ecological part, the land of the plains will
be damaged for future crops but also for de natural ecosystem.
Of course that are positive effects too, like modifying the
resistance of plants in dry areas, the cultivation of these plants could
reduce the lack of food in many countries, could prevent a few
diseases but all these are in the happiest case, and miracles are
rarely so we should let nature to do its job.

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