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Write a composition where to expose your opinion about

special effects in movies.
I think everyone saw at least one action movie in their lifetime.
Those are the most popular movies because they have the power of
catching attention of the public, but let’s see why they are so
First of all, action movies presents especially unusual situations.
They have a protagonist that presents special abilities as fighting
skills, climbing on buildings, diving without oxygen, driving planes
and many others. Those thing are considered easy for the hero and
that's why they seem more spectacular, but everyone knows that
those thinks are special effects. Now let’s understand what special
effects are. Special effects can be separate in two categories: optical
effects and mechanical effects. Optical effects are those that appear
with the help of technology, are the special backgrounds or
explosions that make the situation more dramatic and attractive. On
the other hand, mechanical effects are the real inciting action, when
everything is made and filmed by people, just like a car crush or the
demolition of a building, but nowadays even those can be made on
In my opinion, special effects are revolutionary for movies, they
get even better with time and make the final product more
attractive, more insight and they will never leave the movies

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