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What important skills should a person learn in order to be successful in the

world today?

I thing everyone know nowadays at least one successful person

that is promoted on social media. This type of person has some
special skills that makes them be “out of the box”. They just learned
how to bring value for our society.
In my opinion one of the most important skills in our word is to be
a good transmitter and receiver with the information around you.
We have to listen to everyone in order to find out what the people
want but also we need to make our point of view clearly heard. Of
course, first of all we should take the information, pass it through the
filter of thinking and only then we make it public. Words are the
most powerful weapon because they bring us feelings and most of
people make actions based on feelings, not especially with the
conscious mind. So in order to archive a successful life, you need the
power of worlds.
In the other hand, emotional intelligence is essential in business
but also in any professional life, you need to know how to keep your
mind awake in detriment of heart feelings. A successful person
knows also the importance of self-education because no one will
teach you how to grow your income except for a fee or through a
book. You have to work and never give up, because Rome was not
build in one day.

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