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The table compares and contrasts data on the differences in the expenditures on the five

types of four distinct car companies in the UK, measured in millions of dollars, in 2002

A closer look at the diagram highlights the fact that Cetirizine company paid the biggest
money to advertise their products on TV whereas Rover and even Cetirizine paid no expenditures for
the same purposes

Getting back to the details, the paid of Cetirizine car company advertising their cars on tv
reached 70 millions of dollars, which is the highest figures. This contrasts markedly with Rover,
which had no paid for advertising on cinema,as the smallest among all categories with the notable
exception of Cetirizine. One further point to note is that all four car companies paid the same on
radio with the figures of 15 millions of dollars. It could be noticed that the combined of paid of
Vauxhall and Rover on Press was 46 million dollars, which slightly equal to Renault’s paid with the
figures of 45 millions

170 words
The table compares and contrasts data on the differences in the money spent on five types
of promotion of 4 specific car businesses in the UK, measured in millions of dollars, in 2002

A closer look at the diagram highlights the fact that Renault corporation paid the highest
amount of money to advertise their cars and advertising on TV was the most popular promotion
chosen by four car companies

Getting back to the details, there was 70 millions of dollars paid for TV advertising by
Cetirizine, the highest among all categories. This contrasts markedly with the expenditures on
cinema promotion of Rover and Certizine, which had no payment for the same purposes, a gap of 70
times. One further point to note is that the expenditures on radion advertising of 4 car enterprises
similar, with the figures of 15 millions of dollars. It could be noticed that the combined of
expenditures of Vauxhall and Rover on Press advertising was 46 million dollars, which is slightly
equal to Renault’s expenditures with the figures of 45 millions

175 words

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