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The table compares, contrasts and predicts data on the changes in the dependence of people in 8

distinct regions on bio fuel, measured in millions of people, from a 27-year period from 2004 to 2030

A closer look at the diagram highlights the fact all categories’ figures is predicted to increase in
majority of regions, with the notable exception of China’s and Rest of Latin America’s, over the
whole time period.

Getting back to the details, despite obvious fluctuations, the Sub-Saharan Africa’s figures are
forecast to dramatically rise from 575 million users in 2004 to 720 million users in 2030, an increase
of 145 million users, which is the largest enhance. This contrast markedly with North Africa’s figures
which is anticipated to slightly grow from 4 million people to 5 million people over the surveyed
years, an grow of just 1 million people. One further point to note is that the number of Chinese
comsuming biomass is expected to continously decline from 480 million inhabitants down to 394
inhabitants. It could be noticed that the biggest difference in the use of organic fuel between India’s
citizens and North Africa’s citizens will be in 2030 where the figures were 782 users and 5 users
respectively, a gap of more than 150 fold.

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