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Jacildo, Eduard Angelo

October 9, 2021
BS Psychology, A14

1. As a Filipino and as consumer, how do you feel about the story?

I feel sad about the fact that many so many people are hungry, not just in the Philippines but
also from around the world. I feel that I am privileged enough to eat meals three times a day, or
even multiple times every day. I am lucky to have food every time I need or want it. I feel bad,
because sometimes I waste food, other people are suffering and struggling to have food and yet I
am wasting food even if it is only a little, as a Filipino consumer I should be more conservative
and don’t waste food, because it is a privilege, as a consumer I should also eat all of the food that
I bought or at least if I cant eat it all, I can give it to others. I also feel sad that most of the people
that were feeding off leftover foods from the fast-food chains were children, children need an
equal diet of vegetables meat and fruits for them to grow properly and it must also be fresh, but
the poor children were living off with what they can get from the leftover food of consumers just
to fill their stomachs.

2. What is its main message to you?

For me the main message is “don’t waste food”, because I am lucky enough to have food
3 times a day or even more, I am lucky enough to have fresh and delicious food served to me
every day, meanwhile the children in the video were eating leftover foods from other consumers.
I should always be mindful and only take what food I can eat and finish, or if I have excess food,
I can give it to others that are hungry, I should always share my blessings to others that are less
fortunate when it comes to food. I must treasure all the food that I have today and all the food
that I will eat in the future.

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