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The Concepts and Value of Strategic Thinking and Innovation on

Teaching and Learning Pr0cess

The quote from Martin Dempsey: “Strategy is at some level is the ability to
predict what is going to happen” seems like a superpower. If only we have the ability to
foresee future events, catastrophic incidents can be avoided. Nevertheless, we are
human and to be strategic is one primary skill as school leaders and educators we have
the ability to learn to aid the school we are leading in facing challenges.
How might school leaders and educators use strategic thinking and innovation in
responding to the challenges of the school? To think strategically means to see and
understand the bigger picture of what the organization is. For instance, the covid19
pandemic that brought havoc to the educational system, if we foretell or maybe preempt
that a health crisis is possible event, we can device ways to mitigate the problem in our
school levels. if the school leader has this knowledge- he is many steps ahead of his
time and can lead the schools where it needs to go, and how it will get there. In a
smaller scale, addressing drop outs, absenteeism, non-readers among others, and
planning ahead and being futuristic in way helps. Many problems can be solved by
anticipating opportunities and the same goes with challenges. Utilizing the knowledge to
guide the organization can be a great advancement to the organization.
The effective leader and educator needs to think strategically. Coupled with
being innovative, as a school leader can be a powerhouse. It can transform and provide
the best learning environment for the whole school community. As a whole, It is a must
that school leaders capacitate themselves the competence and dexterity of being
strategic and innovative to differentiate the organization he/she is leading to add the
value proposition of the school.

Master Teacher I
Mercedes Elementary School
Mercedes District

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