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Purposive Communication

Baylon, Lloyd

3. Read the article below (Flight from Conversations) Answer the following questions in not more than three sentences. Do
not forget to highlight the key points/ideas in your answer by underlining or highlighting them using markers.

What are the most important effects of technology discussed in the article? Explain your answer.

 Based on the article, People in the present are always connected with their devices for texting, reading e-mails,
etcetera. People lose the presence of connecting or a face-to-face conversation is the primary effect of technology.
It elaborates on the article that the impact of using technology in our environment and relation with our families,
colleagues and to our self. It also discussed the importance of interaction and communication physically and online.
But mostly it focuses on how the way of their communication and interaction are changing over the period. And
sometimes it can lead to losing the importance of relationships with another person.

What is the most notable negative effect of technology discussed in this article? Explain your answer.

 Connecting ourselves through online communication can produce an impact on our daily lives is the notable
negative effect that has been mentioned in the article. It also gives a negative impact on losing the value of our inner
self due to the power of devices and lessen relation between our families and the people surrounding us.

Explain: Conversation – Connection - Isolation

 Nowadays, Technology provides the advancement of different devices that enable us to reconnect our interaction
with others. But due to that connection, sometimes it leads us into isolation because our excessive use of
technologies might lead to addiction, which might lead us into losing connection to friends, family, and other people.

Explain: The little devices most of us carry around are so powerful that they change not only what we do, but also
who we are.

 Technology nowadays is powerful, it can influence and dictate our lives, and we must avoid the too excessive usage
of some digital devices. But rather use those devices as a functional method in our establishing ourselves. The
device has an impact on our daily lives, it can influence us and play important roles in what we do. Because, as a
communicator, we must prioritize our limits for us to stabilize the power of connection both into ourselves as well
as into others.

Why is it entitled flight from conversations?

 It is entitled "The flight from conversation" because it serves as a reminder for us to not control and revolve our
lives with the use of technologies devices. Because too much use of these devices might lead us in losing our self-
awareness as well as losing our established self. It simply compared the title into flying airplanes wherein once into
the sky time flies so fast resulting into be fascinated in the things that we are seeing. Things that usually excite us
but sometimes also destroy us.

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