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1. According to the author, do the advantages of using technological

devices outweigh the disadvantages? Explain.

The pros and cons around the use of technological devices are balanced, as
this balance represents the use of technology and activities such as spending
time with friends and family. Thus, the author mentions some advantages of
its uses, such as the improvement of hand-eye coordination, and also the
disadvantages, such as the loss of social connections that protect us from

2. How much time does the author suggest reducing our exposure to
technology? What does he suggest we do instead?

The author suggests reducing between 10 and 20 percent and replacing the
time with spending more time with family and friends and including
activities such as making and planning family dinners as a priority and
varying your tasks to reduce the stress associated with lifestyle focused on
the computer.

3. What is the cause of teenagers’ engaging in high-risk behavior?

Although the text does not specify the main cause of the development of
high-risk behaviors in adolescents, the text mentions that there is research
showing that there are fewer chances that adolescents who engage in
conversations during meals, instead of being on their cell phone, they are
less likely to develop these behaviors. It can be inferred that this is due to the
social interaction that occurs, communication and interest seem to be key.

4. What is an effect of switching tasks throughout the day?

By doing this, the stress associated with a computer-centered lifestyle is

reduced, that is, it must be varied so as not to focus on just one activity and
generate stress.

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