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NEW EDITION Student answers

(Test 1, Part 1, Question 1)
Answer A: Good answer

Can we live happily without using communication technology all the time?
In the last 15 years incredible advances have been achieved in technology, specially
when it comes to communication divices. But the fast development is beggining to
cause concern among people who ask themselves if happiness depends on it.
Firstly, it is clear that the invention of mobile phones and other portable devices
completely changed the way we communicate today. It’s use has become essential for
many members of our community, from adults at work to adolescents who need to
be in contact with their parents at all times, considering insecurity nowadays.
While it is true that communication technology improved social relations, it has to
be taken into account that the excess of it’s use at all situations may not be favarable.
When people are using their mobile phones in social events or meetings they are
showing their lack of interest in the real important things.
Finally, controlling the use of technology is key. Moreover, our faces are full of
expressions that no text message can show. Face-to-face communication cannot be
lost because of a technological device.
To conclude, I personally think that true happiness is not achieved while talking to
someone on the phone. More interesting and enjoyable experiences are the ones lived

Examiner comments
This is a well organised essay, with clear paragraphing and in an appropriate semi-formal style, with
an introduction and a conclusion. The student has dealt with the two points given and has added a
relevant third point. These are all clearly presented with examples to support the writer’s opinions.
The student uses a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms with a good degree of control.

There are a few grammar mistakes, including a basic one where It’s is used instead of its, but they do not
prevent the reader from understanding the different points made.

Overall, this is example of a good essay at this level.


Writing file
NEW EDITION Student’s answers

(Test 1, Part 1, Question 1)
Answer B: Satisfactory answer

Some people claim that the use of technology is essential in our lives. I personally
believe that it has many negative effects in all of us.
Firstly, it is clear that people nowadays waste a lot of time using technology.
Teenagers, for example use their phones all day long instead of talking with other
people, studing or doing exersise.
Another point to consider is that phones are making us becoming introverted. While
people are having friends roonds, sometimes they are using their phones. This means
that they are not comunicating between them.
It seem clear to me that anxiety is a big problem generated by technology. Phones
and communication technology give answers at the time you need it. People get used
to expecting answers quikly.
To conclude, communication technology has negative effects. Not only in social
situations, but also the anxiety that it generates. What is more, phones isolate people
from society.

Examiner comments
This essay is well organised and covers the two points given and a third point with people get used to
expecting answers quickly.

There is an attempt to use a range of structures, but there are a number of grammatical and vocabulary

The essay is on topic but does not address the question in the title as clearly as they could, which is
whether people can live happily without technology.

This is an example of a satisfactory essay at this level.


Writing file
NEW EDITION Student’s answers

(Test 1, Part 1, Question 1)
Answer C: Unsatisfactory answer

Can we live happily without using communication technology all the time
Many people think we can’t live without our phones or tablet. But I personally think it
would be difficult but we will be able to do it.
Now a days our phones and technological devices become very important in our life.
For example in our phones we have lot of apps that are very useful to our life, like the
calculator if we have a math problem, or the camera if we want to take a good picture.
But the most popular apps are the social ones.
Sometimes I think that we used too much our cellphone. Many people don’t realise that
sometimes they have to stop using their phones and start to pay attention to the real
world. For example if you are in a dinner with your boos you shouldn’t use your phone
since it looks that you are not paying attention to him or her.
In my oppinion, I personally think we have to leave aside our phones and start to pay
attention to the real world. A goos way to do these is deleating all our social apps and
video games, so in these way we are stop using our phones and we will start to talk to
people face to face.
To conclude I would said that a now a days we are too dependent from technology, but it
is not impossible to stop using our devices and start to pay attention to the real world.

Examiner comments
The essay is well organised and divided into clear paragraphs.

However, some of the ideas are repeated, for example, paying attention to the real world is mentioned in
paragraphs 3, 4 and 5.

There are many grammatical mistakes, including the use of tenses, single and plural forms, word order and
linking words. This makes the meaning difficult to follow in many places.

The student does not deal with the question: Can we live happily without using communication technology all
the time and ends their essay by making suggestions rather than giving information, so the reader would not
be fully informed.

This is an example of an unsatisfactory essay at this level.


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