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Production Well

A production well is drilled into a known geothermal reservoir. Typically, an injection well is also
drilled to return used geothermal fluids to the geothermal reservoir. Hot geothermal fluids flow
through pipes to a power plant for use in generating electricity.
What is geothermal power plant?
Geothermal power plants are used in order to generate electricity by the use of geothermal
energy (the Earth’s internal energy). They essentially work the same as a coal or nuclear power
plant, the main difference being the heat source.
How does a geothermal power plant work?
Geothermal power plants use steam to produce electricity. The steam comes from reservoirs of
hot water found a few miles or more below the earth’s surface. The steam rotates a turbine that
activates a generator, which produces electricity.
Geothermal power plant process:
Hot water is pumped from deep underground through a well under high pressure. When the
water reaches the surface, the pressure is dropped, which causes the water to turn into steam.
The steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity.
Why are geothermal power plants important?
Many experts see geothermal energy as an essential component of the world’s shift to green
energy because it is capable of providing carbon-free heat and continuous baseload power to
compensate for the intermittency of wind and solar.
An Overview of Geothermal Pros and Cons:
This energy source is more environmentally friendly than conventional fuel sources. The largest
single disadvantage of geothermal energy is that it is location specific. A source of renewable
energy. Gases are released into the atmosphere during digging.
A reliable source as its easier to predict the power output from a geothermal plant with a high
degree of accuracy.
Energy fluid needs to be pumped back into the underground reservoirs faster than it is depleted.
Management is required to maintain sustainability.
What are the advantages of Geothermal Energy?
- Always available
- Doesn’t require large spaces
- Silent energy
- It creates record numbers of jobs
- Provides more energy for the same nominal power
- Allows double recycling
- The plants are long-lasting, safe and reliable
- Requires very little maintenance
What are the Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy?
- Environmental Concerns about Greenhouse Emissions.
- Possibility of Depletion of Geothermal Sources.
- High Investment Costs for Geothermal System.
- Land Requirements for Geothermal System to Be Installed.

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