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Foun tut 2

1. The major components of a disaster preparedness kit.

The major components of a disaster preparedness kit consist of a first aid kit, a stockpile of
canned foods and a foldable tent.

A first aid kit is the key to survival in the event of minor injuries, preventing
infections and excessive bleeding.

In the event of a disaster canned foods are the most reliable source of edible food one
may encounter.

There are few alternatives to portable shelter than a foldable tent in the event of a
disaster as it can serve as a safe resting place safe from the outside environment.

2. Key elements needed to create an online account.

The key elements needed to create an online account are a computer with internet
access, a valid email address and a secure password.

A computer with internet access is your portal to interaction with the global internet.

There are very few ways to proceed in any online platform without a valid email
address, which serves as a form of identification and a tool to keep a record of all

A secure password is the greatest protection against cybercriminals trying to steal

sensitive information.

3. Items needed for successful online learning.

The items needed for successful online learning are a computer with a stable internet access,
a quiet learning environment and a disciplined mindset.

A computer with a stable internet connection is vital to connecting to the online learning
platforms where content is discussed and taught.
Similarly, to a physical classroom, online learning is delivered best in a quiet, focused
learning environment.
A disciplined mindset is the best way to succeed in an online learning environment and to
overcome any obstacle one may encounter in the learning process.

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